Promoting Self-Esteem

From an article by Ivor Davis in the Times.

The California Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem, created in 1987 by Assemblyman John Vasconcellos, received a $245,000 allocation from the state budget and Californian counties set up their own committees on self-esteem.

'Virtually every social problem can be traced to people's lack of self-love'

'Virtually every social problem we have,' says anthropologist Andrew Mecca, the group's chairman, 'can be traced to people's lack of self-love: alcohol and drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, crime, child abuse, chronic welfare, dependency and poor educational performance.'

Eight professors at the University of California have each written a chapter for the Task Force's first book. 'What started as a huge joke,' says Mecca, 'has become an international subject for serious study. I have spoken to more than 40,000 people on the subject in just one year. Even the most hardened cynics are being won over.'

California Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem, and Personal and Social Responsibility, Executive Director Robert Ball, 1130 K Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA (tel 916 322 0236).

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