Carpatho-Rusyn Society
Who are the Rusyns?ExecutiveChaptersMembershipPublicationsHomeland FundHumanitarian Fund

Chapter Events



Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

NE Pennsylvania

New England

New Jersey

New York

Pittsburgh, PA

Cultural Center



    The New Jersey Chapter was founded in 1999 (as the Metro New Jersey/New York Chapter) and serves the entire state of New Jersey. Over 75 C-RS members live in the New Jersey region. Announcements of New Jersey Chapter events are also sent to eastern Pennsylvania, New York City/lower New York state and Long Island.

    The Chapter holds its regular membership and planning meetings on Saturdays as per timely announcements at 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey. The Chapter does not usually meet in December.

    Special events are generally held in the afternoon, after the membership and planning meetings on Saturday, from 2-4 p.m. at the Wayne Public Library, unless otherwise noted. Some special events are held Sunday afternoons.

    2 0 0 9   C h a p t e r   O f f i c e r s

Vice President: Jim Huratiak
Recording Secretary: Carol Morrison
Treasurer: Audrey Brady
Program Director: Joyce C. Barr
Public Relations: Joyce C. Barr
  Eileen Werner
Arrangements: Len Berdy
Media Director: Jim Huratiak
Historian: Mary Barker
At Large: Mary Ann Bacsik
  Jerry Chanda
  Lee Hrehovcik
  Carol Lynn Kathie (Kasenchak)
  Susyn Mihalasky
  Bertha Ligos
  George Ligos
Hospitality: Dorothy Bognar
NJ Web Master: Tom Singel


    C h a p t e r   E v e n t s

    • We are planning the following programs for the coming year. All programs are subject to change for a variety of reasons such as inclement weather, change of date to accommodate speakers, unexpected unavailability of speakers, loss of venue etc.



    • Saturday, September 18, 2010
      John Righetti, C-RS President �Growing Up Rusyn in America�





   To order videotapes or DVDs click the following:  C h a p t e r   E v e n t   V i d e o t a p e s   a n d   D V D s
    P a s t   E v e n t s



    C h a p t e r  H i s t o r y  MSWord  PDF

    "Ja Rusyn byl, jesm' y budu", Sung by Slavjane during the Slide show.

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