Carpatho-Rusyn Society
Who are the Rusyns?ExecutiveChaptersMembershipPublicationsHomeland FundHumanitarian Fund

Chapter Events



Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

NE Pennsylvania

New England

New Jersey

New York

Pittsburgh, PA

Cultural Center



    2 0 0 9  C h a p t e r   O f f i c e r s

Vice President: Patricia Onufrak
Treasurer: Marta Popovicova
Recording Secretary: Richard Custer
Directors: Larry Brindza
Victor Haburchak
Harold Krivell, Jr.
Mika Popovic
Elaine Rusinko
Chapter Website: Larry Brindza

 Letter from Paul Robert Magocsi,
    Chairman World Congress of Rusyns     PDF

The National Capital Chapter of C-RS has Rusyn flags for sale!
Click here for the Order Form (PDF).

    C h a p t e r   E v e n t s

    • November 21, 2010 - Annual Meeting and Election of Officers, 2:00 PM
      McLean Government Center, 1437 Balls Hill Road McLean VA
      Program to Be Announced
      Questions or R.S.V.P. to Chapter President Christy Slifkey

    P a s t   E v e n t s