Carpatho-Rusyn Society
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Chapter Events




Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

New England

New Jersey

Pittsburgh, PA



Slovaks & Rusyns

Similarities & Differences

Saturday, March 25, 2006 (New Jersey/Washington DC)
Two Rusyn RideNRally Options

The New Jersey Chapter is organizing an Amtrak train ride

to Washington DC to attend John Righetti's presentation 'Slovaks&Rusyns'
at the Slovakian Embassy, Washington DC.
Carpatho-Rusyn Society
New Jersey Chapter
The NJ Chapter is organizing an Amtrak train ride to attend John Righetti's presentation of
'Slovaks&Rusyns: Similarities&Differences' at the Slovakian Embassy in Washington DC.
See the National Capital Chapter website for details of the presentation. Enjoy a relaxing
ride and an amusing and informative afternoon of Slovak and Rusyn camaraderie.
Train Schedule:
                                                Amtrak (#155)
                                              Departure Time      Return Time         Fares (Roundtrip) Approx.
New York City (Penn Station)      9:05AM                 12:15AM             $55/60
Newark, NJ (Penn Station)          9:22AM                 11:34PM             $55/60
 Metropark                                  9:36AM                 11:19PM             $50/55
 Trenton                                    10:00AM                 10:59PM             $50/55
  Philadelphia (30th St Station)    10:30AM                 10:27PM             $45/50
Washington DC (Union Station)  12:25PM                 8:30PM
                                                                            Amtrak (#198)
The Washington DC Metro 'Red Line' will offer transportation to the Embassy neighborhood.
To enjoy group fares please contact and make reservations with
Jerry Chanda: Phone Number 609-882-4872 or Email address: or
Lea Hrehovcik: Phone Number 973-256-1839 or Email address: .

Please provide the following information: Name:

                                                                                              Phone # and/or Email Address
                                                                         # of passengers
                                                                                        Which station of departure
We must receive your request by  Tuesday March 21, 2006. Actual fares will depend on size
of group. Fares will be collected at departure.

Second Program: A Special I-95 Corridor Express:
The NJ Chapter is making available a vehicle for interested parties who live
along the I-95 Corridor from northern NJ  and desire to attend the
'Slovaks&Rusyns' presentation in Washington D.C. The roundtrip price is $25 per person.
For reservations please contact Jerry Chanda: email address:
and phone: 609-882-4872.