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Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

New England

New Jersey

Pittsburgh, PA



Saturday, November 22, 2003

An Anatomy of the 1998 Carpathian Flood Tragedy

Cotsakos College of Business
William Paterson University
1600 Valley Road, Wayne, NJ
1:30 p.m.: Reception - Cafeteria (Ground Floor)
2:00-4:00 p.m.: Conference - Conference Hall (Room 2009)

  • Juniper Neill, Environmentalist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration currently stationed in Washington, DC.
  • Brian Propp, Aid Project Officer with Counterpart, a non-governmental aid agency.
  • Michael Horvath, Director of U-Pac, a non-governmental aid agency focused on Ukraine located in New Jersey. He is currently retired.

  • C-RS (NJ Chapter) in collabration with Christos Cotsakos College of Business, William Paterson University, will present a conference on the October 1998 floods of the Carpathian region. Both Juniper Neill and Brian Propp were present and actively supported relief efforts in the region. The conference will focus on the causes, severe impact on human life and infrastructure damage, and the role the international aid community played in providing relief to the area. A slide program of the event will be given. There will be a reception with refreshments in the cafeteria (ground floor) of the Business College prior to the commencement of the program.

    There is free admission. Everyone is welcome to attend.

    Directions: Take Route 46 to the Riverview Drive exit in the direction of Wayne. Continue on Riverview Drive to the traffic light at Valley Road. Turn right onto Valley Road and continue on Valley Road past the Wayne Public Library and Hamburg Turnpike to 1600 Valley Road on the right. Visitor's parking is the first right. Addition parking is located past the Business College Building.

    Directions: Take Route 46 to the Riverview Drive exit in the direction of Wayne. Continue on Riverview Drive to the traffic light at Valley Road. Turn right onto Valley Road and continue on Valley Road past the Wayne Public Library to 1600 Valley Road The Business College of William Paterson University.

    More info: call (609) 882-4872, (973) 540-0871 or e-mail

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