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Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

New England

New Jersey

Pittsburgh, PA




“Survival and Revival: How the Lemko Rusyns of Poland Overcame Akcja Wisla


Saturday, May 14, 2005   2 – 4 PM


Wayne Public Library

461 Valley Road

Wayne, NJ


Refreshments will be served


How did the Lemko Rusyns respond collectively to forced expulsion from their homeland? You may have heard the story of Akcja Wisla; now find out what happened afterwards. Learn how your ancestors rebuilt their community life in a foreign hostile place over the decades after their 1947 expulsion from their homeland in what is now southeastern Poland. Learn how some even managed to return to their Lemkovyna homeland and what efforts they are undertaking today to help themselves.


The speaker for this program will be Susyn Mihalasky, a history instructor at Sussex County Community College in Newton, New Jersey. Her mother and maternal ancestors were among those resettled during Akcja Wisla.  Ms. Mihalasky has researched Lemko history extensively and has written articles on Lemkos for both academic and popular press publications in North America and in Europe. In addition, she has also lived in Lemkovyna. For further information, please call (973) 540-0871 or send an E-mail to NJ Public Relations.


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