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Sites which contain the word find

A 19th Century Woman's Place
21st Century Problem Solving Page
3D look at 3D geometry
A&E Behind the Scenes
Access Excellence
Advanced Grammar and Composition
African Reparations Movement (ARM)
AIMS Puzzle Corner
Air & Space Home Page
Air Canada
Alaska Volcano Observatory
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
The Alternative Spanish Dictionary
American Literature Survey Site
American Voter
The Ancient City of Athens
Appetizers and Lessons for Math and Reason
The Armchair Scientist
Ask Dr. Math
Astrophysics WebRing
Author's Pen
The Aymara Page
Le Baobab Adansonia digitata
Bat Conservation International, Inc.
Berkeley Digital Library SunSITE
BHS Calculus Projects
Bibliothèque de l'ABU
Bienvenidos a la Internet en Costa Rica
Big Bend National Park Virtual Field Trip
Big Ear Radio Observatory
Black Facts Online
Blue Web'N Applications: English References
Bohemian Ink
Book Lovers: Fine Books & Literature
Book Recommendations of Real Folks
Booklist: Books for Youth
BookTalks Quick and Simple
Brain Exerciser Mathematical Riddles
Bram Stoker Home Page
Breakthrough: The Changing Face of Science in America
Brief History of Algebra and Computing: An Eclectic Oxonian View
British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
British WW 2, War Links of England
Bubble Geometry Thinking Fountain
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
The Burrito Page
The Butterfly WebSite
Caleb Johnson's Mayflower Web Page
Canadian Literary Archive Services
Canadian National Earthquake Hazards Program
Cascades Volcano Observatory
CEA Science Education
Cela: A+ Research and Writing for High School and College Students
Celestial Timepiece: A Joyce Carol Oates Home Page
Celtic Heart
Center for Polymer Studies
Centre Georges Pompidou
El Centro Chicano Stanford University
Chance Database
Charles Dickens, The Great Expectations Index
Charles Dickens
Chemistry and Industry Magazine
Chemistry Teaching Resources
Chicago Academy of Sciences
A Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa
City Net South America
Classroom Connect
Clever Games for Clever People
Les Codes Postaux des Villes Françaises
Collected Works of Shakespeare/The Works of the Bard
College Student's Budget
Colleges and Careers Center
Colonial Williamsburg
Come $ Explore Traditional Chinese Culture
A Commemoration of the Great Famine (Ireland 1845)
Computer Programming Languages (WWW Virtual Library)
The Concord Review
Contemporary Culture (Mexico)
Contemporary Physics Education Project
CRPC GirlTECH Lesson Plans
Cultures of the Andes
CyberSaunter Henry David Thoreau
Cyberspace Snow and Avalanche Center
Dave's Geometric Pix Gallery
Dave's Math Tables
Dave's Storm and Lightning Page
Deformed Frogs
Dibaajimowinan idash Aadizookaanag (Traditional and True Native American Stories)
Digital Education Network MathDen
Dinosauria On-Line
Documenting the American South
Earth Island Institute
Les Echos Les changes
Eclectic Writer, The
Edith Wharton
Eighteenth Century Resources
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse Online
Eli Whitney Armory Site
Energy Efficiency and Renewably Energy Network (EREN)
Energy Quest
Epistrophy: The Jazz Literature Archive
The Era of the Spanish Galleons
Erik's Quick Style Sheet: Better Writing in Only Twenty Minutes a Day!
Español V.O. Versión Original
Essays on the Craft of Dramatic Writing
The European Enlightenment
Everton's Genealogical Helper
Exploring Nunavut Handbook
Exploring Planets in the Classroom
Ezra Pound (1885-1972)
Favorite Mathematical Constants
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
FedWorld Information Network
Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopia
Fiesta del Mariachi
Florilège Anthologie hypertextuelle de la Poésie Française
Fractals in Science
France.com MAG
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
French and Francophone Maps in the Libraries of the University of Texas at Austin.
From Windmills to Whirligigs
Fun Facts about Fungi
G. K. Chesterton
Gabríel José García Márquez-Macondo
The Galileo Project
Gender Issues in American Literature
Geometry and the Imagination in Minneapolis
Gettysburg: Unofficial Visitors Guide
Giverny et Vernon
Gordon's Entomological Home Page
Gramática y Ortografìa Española
Grammar and Style Notes
The Great Mexican Chile
The Great Thompson Hunt
Greenpeace International
GSC Atlantic's Earth Science Site Of The Week
A Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet
Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages
The Gunpowder Plot Page
Hand-drawn Holograms
Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales and Stories
Harlem Renaissance, 1919-1937
Hispanic Pages in the USA
Historical Flags of the United States
Historical Text Archive
History of Mathematics Web Sites
History of Mathematics
Home of Hanz, Franz and Moe PC Tour and History
Homepage del Rock en Español
Horagai: Abe Kobo
Horticulture and Home Pest News
How to Find Government Information
HTI American Verse Project
Hyde Park Parakeets
Hypertext and Hypermedia: A Select Bibliography
i am smitten
El Índice
Interactive Mathematics Online
The Internet Classics Archive
Internet Public Library
IPL: The Internet Public Library
Italian Literature
Japanese Fairy Tales
John's Nautical Literature Page
Kay E. Vandergrift's Special Interest Page
KidSat Exploration
Language and Culture
Learning Web at the U.S. Geological Survey
Lewis Carroll Home Page
Leyendas de la Música Mariachi
Life Sciences
Links to Aboriginal Resources
Literary Kicks
Living Things
Lord of the Flies
Lost Poets of the Great War
Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
Lycos Cybersurfari '97
Maison & Travaux
Marie Claire Belgium
Marine Geology and Geophysics
Les Marquises (Tahiti)
Math 007I News, Wreckreational Math
Mathematical Quotation Server
The Mathematics of Cartography
Mathematics Problem-Solving Task Centres
The Mathman
Mathwright Library
Maya Angelou Home Page
Mike's Page of Logic and Math Problems
The Milton-L Home Page
Mission: Critical
The Mississippi Writers Page
Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
Monterey Bay Aquarium On Line
Mothers Who Think: Word by Word Annie Lamott's On-line Diary
Ms. Smith's English Page
Mungo Park
Musée Virtuel de La Nouvelle-France
Nancy Powell's Math Links
NASA Home Page
NASA Space Mathematics The Space Educator's Handbook
National Library of Canada
National Park Service: Nature Net
Natural Perspectives
New Images of the Seafloor off the U.S. Coast
The New Yorker
Newspaper Archives on the Web
Newton's Apple
Nick Evans' Survey of American Literature
NK Wired
Nobelstiftelson: The Nobel Foundation
NonEuclid Hyperbolic Geometry Article + Software
North American Native Authors Catalog
La Olla Latinoamericana
On-line Mathematics Dictionary
The Online Meteorology Guide
Only If Nice Weather Could Last Year Round
Our Planet
Les Pages de Paris
Paradigm Online Writing Assistant
Pariscope, Une Semaine de Paris
The Particle Adventure
Passion Céline Dion
Passion Cuisine Le web gourmand
Past Notable Women of Computing & Mathematics
PBS Online Science
Penguin Page
Poésie Française
Polymers DotCom
The Positive Press: Good News Every Day
Prevline: Prevention Online
Primate Gallery
The Prime Page
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Pyramids: The Inside Story
The Quarterly Black Review
The Rachel Carson Issues Forum
Recetas de España
Rhetoric and Electronic Arts Site
Richard Wright Black Boy
Riviera Magazine Côte d'Azur
Roald Dahl Home Page, The
The Robert Graves Society Information Centre
Rocky Mountain Institute Newsletter
Rodale Institute
The Rosenberg Communiqués
Rumba y Bembé
Russia on the Web
Ryan Kirk's Ultimate Skunk Works Site
S.M.A.R.T. Pages
San Diego Zoo/Zoological Society of San Diego
Science Fiction Resource Guide
Science Learning Network
Science Online
Scientific American Frontiers
Sea and Sky
A Semantic Rhyming Dictionary
Shakespeare Classroom, The
Sherlockian Holmepage
The Sikhism Home Page
Le Site Internet Fransaskois
Smithsonian Web Site
The Smithsonian: America's Treasure House of Learning
Solar Utilities Network
Le Soleil de Québec Le Quotidien de la Capitale
Solstice: Sustainable Energy and Development Online
Spa Francorchamps (Belgium)
Space Chat
Spanish Resources on the Web
Spanish to English/English to Spanish Dictionary
Spanish: Access Through Practice
Spark Magazine
Stephen Crane: Man, Myth, and Legend
Stephen King WebSite
Study Guide for H. G. Wells: War of the Worlds
Study Web
A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Those Were the Days
Tiger Information Center
Toad's Dome
Tree Fiction on the World Wide Web
U.S. Geological Survey
United States Capitol
United States House of Representatives
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
University of Texas Middle East Network Information Center
Uruguay, Paîs de Encuentro
USA Today
Uselessness of Pi and Its Irrational Friends
Videomaker's Glossary of Terms
Vietnam Online
Vietnam Veterans Home Page
The Viking Home Page
Virtual Cave
virtually react
Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color
Voltaire Foundation
The Weather Visualizer
The Web Nebulae
Web Resources/Recursos de le Red
WebRing: the Shape of Things to Come
Willa Cather Page
Windows on Italy
Women in Math Project
Women's Books Online
Word Problems for Kids
World of Numbers: Palindromic Numbers and Other Recreational Topics
World Wide Treasure Hunts
Writing in Mathematics
The Wyoming Companion: Cowboy Poetry and Poets
Xah: Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves
You Can with Beakman and Jax
Young Adult Literature Library
Young Writers Clubhouse
Zembla: The Nabokov Butterfly Net
Zona Latina Latin American Music
Zona Latina Media Resources
Zora Neale Hurston