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Cultures of the Andes

This site contains good links about the people and places of the Andes. There is a section on the Quechua language with songs, jokes, dances, poetry, basic Quechua lessons, pronunciation help, and other resources. Another section has pictures from different parts of the Andes, including Machu Pichu and Cuzco; of llamas; and of people who live in this region. The section on music lets you read and listen to many traditional songs from the Andes (the sound files are available in a variety of different formats). At the bottom of the page you will find other links to information on the Andes. The page is in both Spanish and English. The links are in Spanish, English, and Quechua.

Not available.

Ada and Russ Gibbons

Anthropology, Geography, Indexes and Resource Lists, Music and Dance, Spanish, World History

Social Studies, Spanish
