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Kay E. Vandergrift's Special Interest Page

Students, notwithstanding first impressions, this page is not solely for teachers. Stick with it, page down, and skim the endless list of resources. When it seems impossible to find an interesting book for a classroom assignment, click on Vandergrift's 100: List of Young Adult Authors and Titles. Another site for young writers is the Children's Writing/Publishing link. Features of the page include young adult literature, feminism, research, and links to many sites with similar interests.

Electronic Resources for Youth Services Site of the Week, Blue Web'n Learning Application Library Award, Free Speech Online Blue Ribbon Campaign, 5-Star Internet, Underground Web Site.

Kay E. Vandergrift, School of Communication Information and Library Sciences, Rutgers University

English, Grammar and Style, Indexes and Resource Lists, Literature, Reading, Writing

English and Literature

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