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History of Mathematics

This site covers a number of topics in the history of mathematics. There are over 1,100 biographies highlighting the work of the mathematicians discussed. You will also find a map locating birthplaces and related links and references for each biography. Click on Mathematician of the Day and read biographies of mathematicians born on this date. Read the article on sixty famous curves and, if you have JAVA, manipulate the curves yourself to test the theories discussed. The History Topics link is the meat of this site with in-depth interactive articles on twenty-five or more topics. Each topic includes links to related sites and a print bibliography. Great site if you need to do a math history paper.

NetGuide Gold Site, POINTCommunications Top 5% Web Site, ENC Digital Dozen, Geometry Forum Hot Spot, Planet Science, Magellan 4 Star Site, National Academic Press Cool Site of the Day, Dr. Matrix Science Excellence Site.

John J. O'Connor, Edmund F. Robertson School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St. Andrews

Indexes and Resource Lists, Math

Science and Math
