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The Mexico page is the most extensive at LANIC. There are numerous links to everything you want to find out about Mexico. Under the section on art and humanities you'll find information on culture (food, dance, etc.) and also pages that deal with the Mexican muralists. There are links to many discussion groups, one of which deals with the U.S.-Mexican border issues. An entire section is devoted to indigenous people with over fifteen links to information on Aztecs, Mayans, and more. A section on popular culture has links to pages on Mariachi music and Mexican corridos (ballads). One of the most extensive sections includes links to sites for all the states of Mexico and some of their capital cities. The page as well as many of the links are in both Spanish and English.

Not available.

LANIC, University of Texas

Geography, Indexes and Resource Lists, Reference (General), Spanish, World History

Social Studies, Spanish
