
Best Ideas

  1. Containing plagues by decentralising
  2. Valuing people for who they are, not their IQ
  3. â•”lites need ties to neighbourhoods
  4. The elective village
  5. Earning elite supporting whole villages
  6. The Neighbourhood Company
  7. Medieval-style neighbourhood bands
  8. 480 town halls for London
  9. New parish councils in urban areas
  10. Rules for a local economy
  11. What's your Community Quotient?
  12. Personal histories of community activity
  13. Self-reliance initiatives encyclopedia
  14. Community trust-building

Social Inventions

  1. Right Livelihood Award to village revival movement
  2. Community Action Awards
  3. Neighbourhood Salons

Book of Visions

  1. The only real wealth is cultural wealth
  2. Local Distinctiveness
  3. Creating urban parishes
  4. Semi-autonomous parish zones
  5. Community audits
  6. Tackling conflicts within communities
  7. Fighting the council with DTP posters
  8. Neighbourhood corporations
  9. Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation
  10. Neighbourhood Innovations Programme
  11. One thousand pound awards for 'local heroes'
  12. Auctioning honours to community benefactors
  13. Parish secondments
  14. Compulsory community service
  15. Neighbourhood Aid
  16. Neighbourhood wardens
  17. Street wardens for local policing
  18. Elected neighbourhood representatives
  19. Community dreams
  20. The Village Alive Campaign in Finland
  21. Village tool share
  22. Buy a village green
  23. Sholver Rangers
  24. Neighbourly eating
  25. The Unofficial Community Cafe
  26. Cohousing
  27. Sunday Salon
  28. Post- industrial villages around schools
  29. Portobello Road Treasure Hunt
  30. Animated trails
  31. Pavement furniture recycling
  32. Dog's mess bags
  33. Compulsory dog insurance

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