Compulsory dog insurance

Patrick Graham

Adapted from a suggestion submitted to the Institute - a suggestion that has since been discussed in a Times leader and elsewhere.

I propose compulsory insurance for dogs as for cars. Third party insurance would be compulsory although many owners might opt for a fully comprehensive option. All dog owners would need only one licence (as for TVs) but all dogs would have to wear copies on their collars with the owner's name and address printed, and the breed and colour registered.

The benefits of this system are many:

- The cost might deter light-hearted Christmas presents of unwanted puppies.
- Responsible owners would not suffer from others' bad habits.
- Recurrent offenders would automatically be punished (in the pocket) or lose their licence.
- Dangerous breeds would be expensive or impossible to insure.

The further addition of pooper-scoopers as compulsory accompaniments to the urban dog walker would mean that within a short period of time the streets, avenues and parks would be clean and safe, and dog owners would no longer be the curse of the cat-loving classes.

Stray dogs would be traceable fairly accurately through the breed and colour registry - something similar and more is done with cars, those other great polluters of the streets. The only arguments I can see against it are all connected with cost - which I believe to be a fair price to pay for the pleasure of 'owning' a dog. If a national insurance scheme were to be established, there could even be lower premiums for pensioners and exemptions for farmers; but the principle holds good and the costs of leaving things as they are are much too high. Ask the dogs waiting to be put down by the RSPCA.

- Patrick Graham, 217 Mackintosh Place, Roath Park, Cardiff CF2 4RP (tel 0222 491127).
- Pet Plan (tel 0800 282250), the UK's biggest animal health insurers, has launched a third party legal liability policy. It provides up to L2 million insurance cover, and costs L10 for one dog or L15 for three. (From a news item in the Times.)

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