Village tool share

Ian Care

In my parents' village, the church and horticultural society hold a store of infrequently used tools which are available to 'shareholders'. These include such things as roof ladders, long reach rollers for painting ceilings, A-frame and engine hoist and chainsaw. Maximum loan time is a week unless no one else requires the item. Labour is also shared and paid back on a points system (as in babysitting circles).

Ian Care, 8 Kings Drive, Littleover, Derby DE3 6EU (tel 0332 46089).

'In the village, a store of infrequently used tools which are available to 'shareholders' '

Comment by Valerie Yule

Village tool share is like the way some Australian public libraries, in the inner suburbs of Melbourne especially, will lend out tools in the same way that they lend out books.

Valerie Yule, 57 Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3149 (tel 807 4315).

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