Community audits

Freer Spreckley

A community co-op is a way of developing economic self-management in definable communities. We have to move away from job creation - there are no jobs - to wealth creation. One way is to carry out social audits to evaluate the social wealth in a community. Then, look at the entire income of a housing estate - L50,000 to L100,000 per week - and where it goes. L40,000 can be retained within the estate if it acts on a survey of its own needs. Next, look at ways a community can retain its wealth, perhaps by setting up entire service networks.

'L25 per week spent on groceries by a family on social security means L15,000 on the estate as a whole'

The major problem on estates is not vandalism but total hopelessness. However, within that hopelessness there is nevertheless wealth passing through. L25 per week spent on groceries by a family on social security means L15,000 on the estate as a whole. One can open a small grocery shop, owned by the community, with any profit staying within the community.

The first commercial plan debated by a community co-op on one large estate was for opening a community betting office. The Ladbroke's betting office on that estate made more money than any other shop they have in the U.K. By running their own betting office, the money would stay within the estate. Although I do not agree with betting, one cannot be too moralising. Most voluntary agencies in Hong Kong are provided for from money from the race courses.

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