Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation

The Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation was set up in 1988 by the Housing Associations Charitable Trust and the Town and Country Planning Association and is directed by Tony Gibson whose Lightmoor New Community self-build project, received a 1987 community architecture award. The Foundation has helped residents to launch neighbourhood development schemes on Tyneside, in Birmingham and the Rhondda; and in the Community Forest projects in Essex and the North East. The work centres on locating the wasted resources within each neighbourhood - derelict land, under-used premises and above all, people - youngsters needing a chance to show their mettle and make their mark, middle aged people redundant before their time and elderly people with a wealth of experience to pass on.

The Foundation provides:

- Decision-making packs, manuals and Fact Banks for schools, communities and professional bodies;
- Introductory workshops and advanced courses in the use of 'hands on' techniques;
- Links with projects that have achieved results and can pass on their experience;
- Practical proposals on dislodging bureaucratic log-jams and encouraging working relationships between Us and Them.

The Foundation also asks:

Do you know of derelict land or empty buildings that could be brought back into use?

Dr Tony Gibson, Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation, Suite 23-25, Horsehay House, Horsehay, Telford, Shropshire TF4 3PY (tel 0952 503628).

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