Pavement furniture recycling

Carola Zentner and others have proposed the following idea.

In Germany and Austria on a regular basis everybody puts outside their front door any bulky items for which they no longer have any use, ranging from beds and tables to lampstands and boxes of china.

Before the dustmen arrive, students, young and hard-up newly marrieds, bargain hunters and people who simply enjoy browsing, are allowed to help themselves to anything that takes their fancy.

'I think it's a great way to recycle goods,' writes Zentner. Another correspondent adds: 'I seem to remember that a lot of the 'viewing' went on after dark so perhaps people were a bit embarrassed, but I'm sure the idea would catch on, although it would be a good idea to try to keep out dealers.'

Ed: TThe Islington Council's reaction to this idea was that it might cause an illegal obstruction of the pavement.

Carola Zentner, 38 Woodland Gardens, London N10 3UA (tel 081 883 0535).

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