Compulsory community service

The Prince of Wales

The Prince of Wales believes that all young people should take part in a compulsory period of national community service. In his view, it would make positive use of unused energy that could otherwise turn into anti-social behaviour. The following is adapted from a piece in the Times.

The idea should not be swept under the carpet each time it is raised because there is criticism from a vociferous minority.

Ever since I became involved in the problems faced by young people I have tried very hard to put myself in their position, or at least to operate from the basis of what I felt when I was young.

I have been guided by a firm belief in the value of being challenged, at some point of your life, as an individual who is part of a team. I have seen in so many cases (not just my own) the effect of such challenges on the development of the individual and the subsequent increase in self-confidence.

'Basically, all of us at some stage or other - especially when we are young - need to be encouraged to do things that we initially don't like the idea of'

Basically, all of us at some stage or other - especially when we are young - need to be encouraged to do things that we initially don't like the idea of, but which, on doing them, we find to be not nearly as bad as we originally feared.

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