Semi-autonomous parish zones

The report, 'Breaking the Deadlock - Releasing the Energy', published by the Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation (Suite 23-25, Horsehay House, Horsehay, Telford, Shropshire TF4 3PY, tel 0952 503628) recommends, amongst other ideas for community development, the formation of Community Planning Zones:

The idea of a Community Planning Zone is a modified version of the Simplified Planning Zone that has been introduced by the government for large-scale commercial developers. A Community Planning Zone would have as its purpose that of allowing a local parish council to undertake its own planning in accordance with criteria to be agreed beforehand with the local Planning Authority.

'A Parish Trust would be able to develop land and could make part of it available on terms within the reach of those in housing need'

The district council would pass a policy resolution to take development control decisions according to requests made to it by the parish council. The latter would set up a Parish Trust, a registered charity with membership limited to parish councillors. It would be able to develop land and buy and sell land. It could buy land at any price (unencumbered by the district valuer's valuations) and could make part of it available, for instance, on terms within the reach of those in housing need.

The community itself could take the initiative both in preparing plans and making them happen. Instead of reacting, usually negatively, to development proposals made by outsiders, it would face the challenge, and have the advantage, of working out a locally acceptable scheme for itself. The increase in value that development usually brings might not be as great as that which accrues to an outside interest erecting an office block or laying out a theme park, with all the enormous profits going to the outsider; but it might still be substantial and would be properly shared out for the benefit of the community as a whole (with the parish eligible for not less than 50% of the local authority's share of the betterment generated in the area).

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