Dog's mess bags

A neighbourhood survey in Plaistow, London revealed that the local problem which most agitated local people was dog's mess. Alison Church of Hertford proposes that dog owners follow her simple example - keeping a rolled-up plastic bag attached with a rubber band to the dog lead. Then if your dog fouls the pavement or park, you put your hand inside the bag, to make it like a glove, pick up the mess, draw the bag back over your hand turning it inside out, tie it up and drop it in a litter bin.

'Unlike a pooper scooper,' she says, ' a plastic bag can be easily carried and costs nothing. If this were to be widely advertised, as in Sweden, concerned dog owners would be delighted to know of it and local authorities could feel free to apply stringent bye laws to the complacent.'

'A neighbourhood survey in Plaistow, London revealed that the local problem which most agitated local people was dog's mess'

In the UK, MGB Waste Systems Ltd have a Robidog System which dispenses plastic bags and provides a bin to dump the bags in. It has been tried out by Kensington Council amongst others.

Alison Church, 115 Queens Road, Hertford, Herts SG13 8BJ (tel 0992 583079).

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