Buy a village green

'Village Greens for England' will sell you a piece of village green for L25, freehold and complete with legal title and all fees. Your Deed of Conveyance is 'a masterpiece of the calligrapher's art,' and refers on the front to ownership of part of the Village Green of Strumpshaw in the County of Norfolk. All the references to size of plot and conditions are on the reverse side.

Your purchase will help make possible the creating of a village green with trees, shrubs and wildflowers, thus protecting a piece of England from development for ever. Adjacent to the medieval church on the brow of the hill in Strumpshaw, offering panoramic views, a few acres have the planning approval of Broadland District Council to form a Village Green. The longer term prospect is of Village Greens being created all over the UK.

Village Greens for England, Strumpshaw, Norwich, NR13 4NP (tel 0603 714610). This scheme won a Social Inventions Award.

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