Street wardens for local policing

Extracted from an item in the Times by Stewart Tendler.

Chief Superintendent Susan Davies from Dorset Police proposed at the annual conference of the Police Superintendents' Association in September 1989 that street wardens could replace police officers on patrol in providing local information, dealing with minor offences and providing a reassuring police presence - thus releasing police constables for more important duties.

'Street wardens could replace police officers on patrol in providing local information, dealing with minor offences and providing a reassuring police presence'

Wardens would be subject to the same kind of regulations as regular police - including a no-strike provision. After gaining experience and further qualifications, those who wanted to could go on to become fully fledged constables.

The Police Federation vice-chairman spoke out against the proposal: 'The Public is not going to settle for second-rate powerless auxiliaries as a substitute for the real thing.'

In London, Scotland Yard is considering a system of volunteer patrols or 'Blue Angels', based on the Guardian Angel patrols.

Postscript from Susan Davies

Susan Davies writes to the Institute:

I understand that the Norfolk Constabulary is engaging in an experiment with 'peace wardens' along the lines of the street warden idea. If the experiment is successful I imagine we shall see other initiatives being introduced in other parts of the country.

Chief Superintendent Susan Davies, Headquarters, Dorset Police, Winfrith, Dorchester, DT2 8DZ (tel 0929 462727).

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