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Café Boliviano
Caleb Johnson's Mayflower Web Page
Calendar Land
California History Site
The CalRen Project
The Camelot Project
Campus Writing Program's Resources for Writers
Canadian Literary Archive Services
Canadian National Earthquake Hazards Program
Canadiana The Canadian Resource Page
Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP)
Le Cantal (Hebergement NET 15)
Carnac Bretagne Sud
La Carte Iles Kerguelen
The Carter Center
Cartographic Communication
Cartographic Images
Casa de Chupacabra
Cascades Volcano Observatory
The Case: The Fun and Challenging Mystery Website
Casio Classroom Contest Page, The
The Castle: Joseph K.'s Franz Kafka Homepage
Castles on the Web
The Catcher in the Rye Campfire
Catcher in the Rye
CBC Radio-Canada
CEA Science Education
Cela: A+ Research and Writing for High School and College Students
Celebrating Democracy
A Celebration of Women Writers
Celestial Timepiece: A Joyce Carol Oates Home Page
Cell and Molecular Biology Online
CELLS Alive!
Celtic Heart
The Centaurian: John Updike Home Page
The Center for History of Physics
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Center for Polymer Studies
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
Central Europe Online
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
Centre Georges Pompidou
Centre International d'Art Contemporain de Montréal
El Centro Chicano Stanford University
CGEE: A Thousand Friends of Frogs
The Challenger Accident
Chance Database
Chantilly On-line
Chaos at Maryland
Chaos Theory, Dynamic Systems, and Fractal Geometry
Charente Libre
Charles Baudelaire
Charles Dickens, The Great Expectations Index
Charles Dickens
The Charters of Freedom
Chemistry and Industry Magazine
Chemistry Helper
Chemistry Teaching Resources
Chernobyl: A Nuclear Disaster
Chez E. Leclerc Vitry
Chicago Academy of Sciences
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Le CHIENNET Study of a 14th century French Manuscript
Children's Literature Web Guide
Chile Online
China Education and Research Project
China: 5,000 Year Timeline of Chinese History
Chinua Achebe: An Overview
Chopping Broccoli
Christina Rossetti
Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)
Chronologie de l'histoire du Québec
A Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
CIA World Fact Book
Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa
Cinco de Mayo
Cinema Sites
Cinescape on Line
Circles of Light: The Mathematics of Rainbows
City Beautiful: The 1901 Plan for Washington, D.C.
City Net South America
Ciudad Futura
Civil War Interactive
Civilisation Franàaise
Classic Chemistry Page
Classifying Galaxies
Classroom Connect
La clé Répertoire des procédés littéraires
Clever Games for Clever People
The Clock: A Concise and Precise Look at World War I
Club Girl Tech
Clubs de Fútbol Internacional
CNN Interactive
La Cocina Mexicana
Les Codes Postaux des Villes Françaises
Colby College Geology Field Trips
Colección Virtual de Patrimonio Artístico y Arquitectónico Chileno y LatinoAmericano
Colle Française
Collected French Verse from the Oxford Book of French Verse of 1908
Collected Works of Shakespeare/The Works of the Bard
La Collection de Musée du Québec
A Collector's Guide to Regency Romances
College Student's Budget
Colleges and Careers Center
Colonial American Newspapers: 1690-1776
Colonial Williamsburg
Coloria Hadas
The Columbus Navigation Home Page
Come $ Explore Traditional Chinese Culture
Comet Shoemaker-Levy Collision with Jupiter
Comets and Meteor Showers
A Commemoration of the Great Famine (Ireland 1845)
Common Errors in English
Complete Collection of Poems by Rudyard Kipling
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Compost Resource Page
Computer Effects Used in Movies and Television
Computer History
Computer Programming Languages (WWW Virtual Library)
The Concord Review
Conjugaison Française
Conques de l'an mil à l'an 2000
Consulado General de México en Nueva York
Contemporary Culture (Mexico)
Contemporary Physics Education Project
Contes et Histoires Fantastiques
Cool Science
The Cool Word of the Day Page
Coral Forest
The Cornell Law Library
The Cornell Theory Math and Science Gateway
Costa Rica
Country Studies
Le Courrier
Cours de phonétique de la section de linguistique de l'Université de Lausanne
Cow's Eye Dissection
Crack Fiction
Crayon CReAte Your Own Newspaper
Creative Nexus' Literature Site
CRPC GirlTECH Lesson Plans
CTI Virtual Field Trips and Tours
El Cuarto de Quenepón
The Cuban Missile Crisis
La Cuisine de la France
Cultura y Entretenimiento de México
Cultura y Sociedad Contemporánea
Culture et Loisirs Ministére (Le Musée des Antiquités Nationales)
Cultures of the Andes
The Curmudgeon's Stylebook: Contents and Index
Cyber Astronomie
CyberSaunter Henry David Thoreau
CyberSchool Magazine
Cyberspace Snow and Avalanche Center
CyberU Internet Basics
Cybrary of the Holocaust