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CELLS Alive!

James Sullivan uses the graphic technology of the Web to the fullest in this site devoted to cells. Topics begin with a general introduction then link to pages within the site and to other sites for more information. Graphics and movies are used appropriately to illustrate concepts such as the "Anatomy of a Splinter" and "Dividing Bacteria: Why Aren't They Knee-Deep?" Excellent animations.

Top 5% Web Site from POINTCommunications, Magellan 4 Star Site, WebCrawler Select, Planet Science Hot Spot, USA Today Hot Site, and "Omni Magazine -- Cool Science Winner" are only a few of the awards this excellent site has won. "An excellent way to be able to see something so tiny that most high school students would never have access to. " Dawn Hudson, East Pulding High School, Dallas, GA.

James A. Sullivan, Quill Graphic


Science and Math
