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Café Boliviano

This Bolivian resource page offers links to sites on the country's history, tourism, arts, sports, news, and music. There is also a FAQ and a virtual map of Bolivia. The page is in English and is very colorful. The history section is extensive and leads to a great deal of information on the civilizations of Bolivia more than nine thousand years ago. You'll learn about the Quechua and the Aymara, and about the silver mines of the Spanish colonial era. The news links enable you to keep current with what is going on in Bolivia today. The music links are especially interesting, and offer explanations and examples of the tantalizing music of the Andes. Café Boliviano is in English; some of the links are also in English, but most are in Spanish or in both languages.

Latinworld Site of the Week (November 1996).

Llajta 2000

Anthropology, Current Events, Indexes and Resource Lists, Spanish, World History

Social Studies, Spanish
