Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Friday evening, April 3, 1998

The 'April Fools Day' movie pages were a SMASH HIT!!!

Thank you all for your phenominal response to the Wednesday update; I was getting a record levels of incoming mail and it seems that everyone loved what they saw! Credit must also be given to my three Coming Attractions assistants 'Ace', 'Deadpool' and 'Widgett'. Ace wrote Rosebud, while Deadpool wrote Escapade, The Space Lawyer and Bounty Hunters (with a little help from Widgett); the rest were by 'lil ol' me and my imagination. The scary thing is, after three years of doing this, the fake ones are sounding more and more real every year!

I'll be posting up some of the feedback I've been receiving in tomorrow's update, including some actual April Fools submissions readers handed into CA (like James Cameron's next pic will be called Noah) The best news came from two parties who are involved with the productions or people that I spoofed. The fact that these fellows loved what they saw convinced me that this year's APD pages topped last year's!

There's one thing you can do if you want to thank me for it. Get onto the 'net, post a message up or review the April Fools Day jokes in a newsgroup or email your friends/co-workers about Coming Attractions. April marks the three year anniversary of this site and I want to make it even bigger and better by this time next year. Tell people about Coming Attractions!

Twentieth Century Fox aquires "Star Wars" prequel rights -- and I bet you'll see a trailer for it in front of "The X-Files" movie

Fox announced it today but news of the deal started to reach me from within Fox Thursday afternoon. Both sides are keeping it quiet on the details of the deal but you can be damn sure the first picture is going to give Titanic a run for its king of the hill spot on the Top Ten list of box office hits. So -- no more scoops about it, please! I'll append the SW pages tomorrow -- really, I will. Gotta see Lost in Space tonight!

Very cool news for the Star Wars fans around the world. But if you had been following the Episode One prequel page(s) you would have already known Fox stood a damn good chance of getting the rights. Read again this scoop I received six weeks ago...

"I'm a first-time scooper, writing you from the office of 20th Century Fox distribution. There has been a TON of buzz around here all day, Monday February 23, about the STAR WARS prequels. The word coming down from on high is that George Lucas is preparing to begin bidding for domestic and international distribution rights, and he is looking for a single studio to handle both. I haven't been privy yet to any figures, but what I do know is that Fox is prepared to fight tooth and nail to get their hands on whatever Lucas wants to deliver. I've also heard that if we can get the rights (and bidding may start as soon as next week) Fox wants to start a campaign beginning with the X-Files movie. I'll let you know more when I hear it."

So now we've been told this: the promotional campaign will begin with The X-Files. That opens June 19, giving Fox a month and a half to make a teaser trailer of some kind -- see Wednesday's Director's Cut for my suggestion, Fox execs. Everyone who's written to me agrees this kind of thing would set a firestorm of frenzy. I just finished writing a piece for an upcoming issue of Wizard about the "Batmania" that took over the country in 1989. Fans paid to see the Batman trailer in front of Tequila Sunrise and then left after it was done.

If the people in Fox are smart, conceptual work on the prequel trailer began today so it'll make it's debut June 19. If that happens, expect the level of buzz (and box office) to go through the roof for The X-Files picture.

Not an April Fools joke: "Titanic 2" is in formative stages of development

Even though my Titanic 2 page was mostly my own invention, the Variety report listed on the bottom of the page is real. I kid you not: Fox did approach Kathy Bates about how interested she'd be in a spinoff/sequel to the project. This happened the day before I was going to post my Titanic 2 spoof, and when I found out it was legit my eyes bugged out. It looks like CA may have to do a page for this one after all...

There was one other true item in Wednesday's "Director's Cut"...

My 'London Spy' has told me Kubrick has commissioned additional sets for new scenes for Eyes Wide Shut in the past weeks. More news on what may be required of Cruise and Kidman (who's about to film Practical Magic in Washington state) will be up tomorrow in the EWS page.

Big update tomorrow quit yer complaining. It takes a lot of work running the best movie info Web site in the world, ya know? Lots of scoops will hit the 'net sometime tomorrow after I get back from the comic convention I'll be at, signing copies of this week's latest ish of Technopolis. And next week there'll be something really cool: a review of a new action-adventure script I was sent. This project's about to hit production by this summer, and it's got some smoke and fire written into it. The great thing is, no one will be talking about it 'cept for myself next week. You'll read about it here first.

Ok. Robinson family, here I come.

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds?
Or maybe you walked off the set with an extra tucked under your arm, perhaps?
That's why we're here.

Send them to our NEW mailing address:

Coming Attractions
7971 Burnfield Crescent
Burnaby, B.C., CANADA
V5E 2B8

FAX: (604) 517-4405

We'll do our best to get 'em on the page. (Just remember to poke air holes in the parcel if it's alive -- thanks.)

Enter the world of Technopolis!
Aliens, gangsters and flying roadsters from the 50's
Published bi-monthly by Caliber Comics
Issue #3 OUT NOW!
To order, call 1-888-22-COMIC, or just yell really really loud into the air. We'll get back to ya.

For more info check out the Technopolis website.

Coming Attractions

Previous Issues of Director's Cut:

December 15, 1998
December 4, 1998
November 15, 1998
October 28, 1998
October 15, 1998
October 8, 1998
October 6, 1998
October 2, 1998
September 28, 1998
September 24, 1998
September 16, 1998
August 30, 1998
August 27, 1998
August 19, 1998
August 17, 1998
August 12, 1998
August 1, 1998
July 15, 1998
July 7, 1998
June 23, 1998
June 19, 1998
June 17, 1998
June 10, 1998
May 27, 1998
May 17, 1998
May 10, 1998
May 8, 1998
May 4, 1998
April 22, 1998
April 21, 1998
April 8, 1998
April 5, 1998
April 3, 1998
April 1, 1998
March 30, 1998
March 24, 1998
March 18, 1998
March 13, 1998
March 10, 1998
March 8, 1998
March 5, 1998
March 1, 1998
February 24, 1998
February 22, 1998
February 18, 1998
February 14, 1998
February 12, 1998
February 11, 1998
February 7, 1998
February 4, 1998
January 10, 1998
December 30, 1997
December 24, 1997
December 20, 1997
December 17, 1997
December 15, 1997
December 12, 1997
December 10, 1997
December 8, 1997
December 4, 1997
December 3, 1997
December 1, 1997
November 28, 1997