Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Sunday, November 30, 1997.

Primary Colors review up and running

Returning back from the land of celluloid, scooper 'Verbal Kent' fills us in with his take of the upcoming John Travolta/Emma Thompson slice o' political life film, Primary Colors. Verbal had some glowing comments to make about the Mike Nichols picture scheduled for general release next March 20th, even going so far to call it "the Fargo of the politcal kind." Click here to go to CA's Primary Colors page.

Alien Resurrection reviews are flooding in... ...and overall, audiences are embracing the film with open arms (or talons, if you're a biomechanoid) and its opening weekend gross should turn out to be very healthy. We spotted director Joel Schumacher (he of Batman and Robin infamy) taking in the 3:00 show at the L.A. ABC Complex theaters Tuesday afternoon; we thought it best not to tap him on his shoulder during the coming attractions and ask if he felt an unpoliced Internet was watching his every move. While Joel hasn't sent us his review just yet, die-hard Alien fans have sent in their extremely detailed reviews as the American audiences flock to see the show (the picture's released Friday in Canada and the United Kingdom.) Click here to witness the reviews.

Chronicle article remains on-line... You can still check out the San Francisco Chronicle's review and list of the Web movie sites, of which CA is listed. of which CA is listed.

Technopolis Comic Book

Sure you know that X-Men, Batman and Spawn were all comic books before they became movies...but did you know that Men in Black and The Crow were also comics before they became box office sensations? Well, this might be your chance to take a look at the next big thing: go sneak a peek at where you'll be able to enter the world of Technopolis. Not only does it have the distinction of being published last month by Caliber Comics (the same fellas who published The Crow) but it also just happens to be co-written by yours truly (ah -- you knew there was a reason to this, didn't ya?) It's made a small but notable ripple in the big ocean of comic books, gathered some pretty decent reviews and sold out in a couple of parts of America! Not only is the story is a cool mix of retro science fiction, film noir and pulp adventure, but the art inside kicks some ass as well. Issue two is hitting stands next month, but you can get a jump on the rest of the pack and check out a preview of the issue at the comic's website. There's also samples from the artist's sketchbook, pages of published and upcoming issues, clips of the reviews we've been getting and the story's background and bible online. The comic can be ordered from any comic book store or from the information listed on the webpage. Once you've read it send either myself or Adrie (the artist) an email and let us know what you thought of it!

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

...wondering who's the unlucky SOB who has to pick up all the dismembered trooper pieces after each battle sequence in Starship Troopers...

What's New 10-5-97

'Sequel' genre selection on-line!

Readers can now choose to browse CA's listing of sequels in the 'By Genre' section of the site. Finally, a new way to spend more of your time, right guys?

What's New 10-5-97

CA named top film gossip site by 'Computer Life'!

The October 1997 issue of Computer Life runs down the leading Internet film gossip and entertainment sites, and we're on top of the heap. Don't get us wrong - we've got smiles as wide as the new Godzilla's behind - but we don't gossip. We rumormonger!

What's New 8-12-97

Sneaker Chat Room On-Line!

We have a new chatroom feature that will allow readers to converse with CA readers while visiting the film pages! Look for some of the Corona gang to be online in the coming few weeks to get feedback directly from you! Coming Attractions

Previous Issues of Director's Cut:

December 15, 1998
December 4, 1998
November 15, 1998
October 28, 1998
October 15, 1998
October 8, 1998
October 6, 1998
October 2, 1998
September 28, 1998
September 24, 1998
September 16, 1998
August 30, 1998
August 27, 1998
August 19, 1998
August 17, 1998
August 12, 1998
August 1, 1998
July 15, 1998
July 7, 1998
June 23, 1998
June 19, 1998
June 17, 1998
June 10, 1998
May 27, 1998
May 17, 1998
May 10, 1998
May 8, 1998
May 4, 1998
April 22, 1998
April 21, 1998
April 8, 1998
April 5, 1998
April 3, 1998
April 1, 1998
March 30, 1998
March 24, 1998
March 18, 1998
March 13, 1998
March 10, 1998
March 8, 1998
March 5, 1998
March 1, 1998
February 24, 1998
February 22, 1998
February 18, 1998
February 14, 1998
February 12, 1998
February 11, 1998
February 7, 1998
February 4, 1998
January 10, 1998
December 30, 1997
December 24, 1997
December 20, 1997
December 17, 1997
December 15, 1997
December 12, 1997
December 10, 1997
December 8, 1997
December 4, 1997
December 3, 1997
December 1, 1997
November 28, 1997