Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Tuesday, February 24, 1998

Is a distribution deal for the new "Star Wars" films in-the-works?

An interesting email arrived today from someone claiming to work inside Fox. They said that there was heavy buzz on Monday surrounding the studio's attempts to secure the distribution rights to Lucas' new pictures. Our Fox-in-the-hole told us TwenCen will do just about anything to clinch the deal, but wants to have this worked out so they can promote their coup with the release of June's X-Files movie. Is it for real? Maybe you can tell me whatcha heard yesterday/today. The Star Wars One page has the full details (but hang in there, as it takes a while to scroll up, like the movie's opening scroll...)

Loads of pictures for "The Truman Show" online...

...but they're not really on here. Really. I'm just running a couple of images, but 'The Gline' dropped me a line about a German Jim Carrey tribute page he surfed across that's running over a dozen images of Carrey and the bizarre 'town' he lives in. It's just one click away from here.

Luc Besson's next project?

Although I still haven't uploaded Widgetts page for The Fifth Element sequel (Mr. Shadow it's called, and yes, people still ask for it, and yes, Widgett's gonna have me killed it I don't get it online soon), I just received this late-breaking news item, still smokin' right off the Inbox pile. Apparently Besson has hired Mars Attacks scribe Jonathan Gems to develop an idea of his for a fantasy epic titled City of Rising Waters. Gems has already began work, our scooper 'Vortecist' reports. So what's it about? We haven't a clue.

Lots of updates to film pages... get in there and get at 'em. I'm going to still be fairly busy for the next ten days, but I'll be updating as fast as my fingers (and free time) will allow me. Thanks for hanging in there!

(Desperately Overworked) Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

(Nervous Breakdown Forthcoming)

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds?
Or maybe you walked off the set with an extra tucked under your arm, perhaps?
That's why we're here.

Send them to our mailing address:

Coming Attractions
2176 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, B.C., CANADA
V5C 5Z9

We'll do our best to get 'em on the page. (Just remember to poke air holes in the parcel if it's alive -- thanks.)

Enter the world of Technopolis!
Aliens, gangsters and flying roadsters from the 50's
Published bi-monthly by Caliber Comics
Issue #2 OUT NOW!
To order, call 1-888-22-COMIC, or just yell really really loud into the air. We'll get back to ya.

For more info check out the Technopolis website.

Coming Attractions

Previous Issues of Director's Cut:

December 15, 1998
December 4, 1998
November 15, 1998
October 28, 1998
October 15, 1998
October 8, 1998
October 6, 1998
October 2, 1998
September 28, 1998
September 24, 1998
September 16, 1998
August 30, 1998
August 27, 1998
August 19, 1998
August 17, 1998
August 12, 1998
August 1, 1998
July 15, 1998
July 7, 1998
June 23, 1998
June 19, 1998
June 17, 1998
June 10, 1998
May 27, 1998
May 17, 1998
May 10, 1998
May 8, 1998
May 4, 1998
April 22, 1998
April 21, 1998
April 8, 1998
April 5, 1998
April 3, 1998
April 1, 1998
March 30, 1998
March 24, 1998
March 18, 1998
March 13, 1998
March 10, 1998
March 8, 1998
March 5, 1998
March 1, 1998
February 24, 1998
February 22, 1998
February 18, 1998
February 14, 1998
February 12, 1998
February 11, 1998
February 7, 1998
February 4, 1998
January 10, 1998
December 30, 1997
December 24, 1997
December 20, 1997
December 17, 1997
December 15, 1997
December 12, 1997
December 10, 1997
December 8, 1997
December 4, 1997
December 3, 1997
December 1, 1997
November 28, 1997