Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Very early on August 1, 1998

It happens this weekend: The Move.

The apartment move, that is. Over the course of the weekend I'll be moving into my new pad with my Significant Other. What that means for CA is this: I'll be trying to get in to the studio and do some updates but I can't guarantee a really big update until next week. I've been working off a summer cold and trying to figure out just what I can box and not box but still move anyway (which is harder and more time-consuming than you might think.)

Still, the controversy continues to rage on: sofa bed or futon? This is really a major issue, you know. Your first major furniture purchase should always be one based on a number of factors: does it look good? Is it big and wide enough for our needs? Is it comfy enough so I can zone out on TV while munching on Doritos? You know, those sort of questions.

Thanks to the few dozen or so people who've sent me their side of the debate. I haven't had the time to personally reply to each of you but I've really had a fun time reading your thoughts on the matter. When I brought up the subject to my S.O. and how the vote was leaning (almost 2 to 1 for the sofa bed side, up to now), her first thought was a combination of utter horror and fascination. People in the United Kingdom, Australia and South America were not only aware that we were shopping for a new couch, but that they were giving their opinions on the matter. I love CA!

Ok, now on to the film stuff. I've got a script review of Kevin Smith's The Six Million Dollar Man comin' at ya in the next week, so be on the look out for a new DC within the next seven. Haven't seen Saving Private Ryan yet but caught There's Something About Mary (thumbs up); I thought the funniest parts were often the instances that happened either in the middle or just after the big laugh scenes (if you've seen the film, you'll know what I mean.)

That's it. So be understanding if there's not a fifty movie update this coming Monday morning -- but if there is, show your appreciation by sending me a poster for The Avengers. Man, that kicks ass.

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set?? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds???
That's why we're here.

Send them to our mailing address:

Coming Attractions
7971 Burnfield Crescent
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V5E 2B8

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We'll do our best to get 'em on the page. (Just remember to poke air holes in the parcel if it's alive -- thanks.)

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Previous issues of Director's Cut are also available.