Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Wednesday, June 17, 1998

Windstorm causes a power outage at CA!

Yesterday a windstorm knocked out power to several thousand homes -- and guess which studio happened to be one of them? Yeah, that's right. Power didn't come back on until after midnight Tuesday, while today I spent a good portion of it trying to fix some of the server issues that needed to be addressed. That's why there's just a tiny update for Tuesday.

I've received hundreds of great scoops so please, just give me a couple of days and hang in there! I'm also trying to reply to as many emails as I can in-between the updates so just bear with me...

Two thank yous: first, to the numerous people who've told me that this week's Entertainment Weekly gave CA a fantastic grade for being a movie news site. I haven't had time to see the piece yet but from what you have told me I've got cause to be happy. If the person or persons who gave the thumbs up to CA at EW are reading this, thanks amigos. Barring any unforeseen power failures or other acts of God I do my damndest to get the scoops up ASAP and when you have horror-story days like yesterday and today, getting a nod in the press makes those days a lot easier to deal with. I appreciate it!

Also, to the many indie filmmakers who've sent me their movie info for the last little while: keep hanging in there. I'm trying to find as much free time as I can swing between my regular day job and wedding preparations. I'm sure the people who're reading this right now will find 'em just as cool as I do once I write a page up for them. Just hang in there!

To the many people who asked me if I'd be interested in seeing the scripts to their projects: I'll try and send you email this week in-between everything else but if you're working on a project just send 'em on in. I'd like to review more scripts in Director's Cut...and that Kevin Smith draft of The Six Million Dollar Man has been catching my eye lately...

And hey -- if you've got some cool stuff associated with a film, send it in. Someone just sent me a kinda-tacky-but-still-kinda-cool Armageddon 'Do Not Disturb' doorknob sign that I'm going to scan in for the Armageddon page. Stuff like that -- those interesting spinoffs concerning the film -- they have a special place in my heart. I'd be interested in seeing all the peripheral merchandise and marketing material a film utilizes and I get the impression a whole lot of others would be as well.

That's it. Again the bottom line is: thanks for hanging in there. I didn't think getting the server and system back online would take 48 hours but it did. I'll try and buzz in tomorrow for a small update so keep your eyes peeled for that (barring unforseen flooding or earthquake...)

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set?? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds???
That's why we're here.

Send them to our mailing address:

Coming Attractions
7971 Burnfield Crescent
Burnaby, B.C., CANADA
V5E 2B8

FAX: (604) 517-4405

We'll do our best to get 'em on the page. (Just remember to poke air holes in the parcel if it's alive -- thanks.)

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Previous issues of Director's Cut are also available.