Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Wednesday, June 10, 1998

Tidbits from all over the place just for you

First up: Reviews of two films

Thumbs up to "AT FIRST SIGHT"

"Here we see a kinder, gentler Val Kilmer as a blind man who falls for a stressed out yet compassionate woman played lovingly by Miss Sorvino. Lots of chemistry, passion and emotion. She realizes although he is blind, he can 'see' better than anyone she has ever known. Of course this doesn't stop her from talking him into getting a landmark surgery to help him regain his vision. And, my friends, this is when the drama begins to unfold. Without giving too much away, I will advise you to bring a hanky or two. . . This film is a wonderful roller coaster ride of emotions - You will feel the love, the pain, the passion and the joy. Kelly McGillis is also wonderful playing the part of Val's overprotective older sister. One of the best scenes is one where he is thanking her for always being there for him. . .wait, Whew, ok. . . Yes, there are a few laughs, and funny lines. Notably, there is Nathan Lane who provides some comic relief. One of my favorite scenes with Val and Mira takes place in an abandoned shed, rain falling all around them, sparks between them. You can almost see Cupid and his bow! Yeah, yeah - it's a love story, it can be mushy, but it's also a drama - And a very intense one at that. What this movie teaches is a dose of something this world is aching for and desperately needs. The end voice-over is something you're left thinking about long after you've left the theater. If I may, I will share with you my favorite quote of all time. 'It is only with the heart that one can see clearly. What's essential is invisible to the ey'"- - Antoine de St. Exupery (from the book and movie "The Little Prince") This quote is, in a nutshell what this film is about. I just hope that it isn't forgotten too soon. . ."

[Review sent in by 'Brachanam'.]

Thumbs down to "AT SACHET FARM"

"Stars Minnie Driver and Rufus Sewell. Ugggghhhh. I cannot STRESS how bad a film this is. The biggest pile of convoluted nothingness I have ever been unfortunate enough to witness. The pace was incredible slow and a few of the scenes were downright laughable for being so lame. There's Minnie Driver as the independent and well-to-do girlfriend of a struggling young lad played by Rufus Sewell. Just in case that drama's been played out one too many times, it gets WORSE. There's the bohemian Uncle who can't resist turning everyone's life upside down while insisting it's all 'for their own good'. I must admit though, he was the best thing about this clunker. There's the brother who lives in the forest, and of course the beautiful best friend of Minnie's who we know from frame one will end up with her boyfriend. The crazy Uncle builds a pillar 20 cubits high - yes, CUBITS. So high, he makes giant stilts so he can get to the top and LIVE there. Oh, I almost forgot about Minnie's ex - this actor is as stiff as a board with NO personality. Hmmmm, can you guess if THEY get back together? The camera work, at times is very odd with fast forward here and slow motion there - Kind of interesting, but not conducive to this kind of film. I have to tell you this film is all over the place. I was hoping for some immense payoff at the end, for something to tie all this madness together - but it never happened. What a disappointment. And what a waste of time..."


Friday June 5th was 'Worldwide Free Truman Day'. Did you take part in it?

Sylvia at the Truman Liberation Front ( contacted me regarding Friday's massive rallies held in key cities throughout North America. No doubt you've seen the news coverage of the event, but if you weren't one of the hundreds of thousands who took part in last Friday's rallies you still can lend your voice to free Truman Burbank. The TLF Web site lists the latest events and efforts to save Truman from the OmniCam Corporation. Lend your voice to this noble effort! Visit the free Truman Web site; together we can make a difference!

Is TwenCen's "Planet Ice" dead?

I've been receiving scoops that work on Planet Ice. "This CGI feature is shelved for now, leaving a hole where feature #2 would have been," writes one of my scoopers. Last Friday Fox announced that Joss Whedon would be writing the studio's third animated film (based on the "legend" of Dracula), but there was nothing officially mentioned about any trouble with PI.

Will they or won't they? Is the "SW1" trailer in front of "The X-Files"?

'Trask Pepper', a relieable scooper, said they've actually seen a fax sent to a theater that claims the SW1 trailer will be attached to the X-Files movie on June 19th -- "expect ticket receipts to be boosted by as much as 40%," the fax read. Since CA broke the story some time ago SW fans have gone into overdrive, hoping against hope that anything from that galaxy far, far away can be seen this summer.

Will there be a trailer? Other various reports (from the rumor mill that is the Internet) claim that there's simply not enough material completed to show a trailer just yet. To make even more confusion, the report last week on AICN that as much as 40% of the film's stock was out of focus turned out to be false; nevertheless, it's being picked up all over the place. And yet another of my scoopers claim that there'll be a trailer for Star Wars in front of the September 1st video release of Titanic.

If there is a trailer attached to The X-Files there should be additional scoops coming in now from others along the chain of command -- but there's been nothing so far save for this sole scooper.

Disney's "Mulan" Web site now online...

Located at, the Disney website offers some great eye candy. I just downloaded the teaser poster for the film as my wallpaper, so I'm happy. There's other features such as an interactive game where you can fend off the attacking Huns, read the original poem of Mulan in six different languages and win some Mulan merchandise. The film opens June 19th.

Fans of conceptual artist Ron Cobb, pay attention to this in particular and let me know what you know:

"In the last decade, Ron Cobb has contributed to films including Star Wars, Alien, Conan, E.T, The Last Starfighter, True Lies, The Abyss, and the Australian film Garbo, which he directed.

"At present, he is developing an animation project for Disney.

"News to me :} "

[Thanks to 'CWRudy' for whispering secrets in our ear.]

Run my friends! Hide! It's -- it's -- it's -- the goatsucker!! AAAH!!

Sure, some of you may recall those odd stories about a strange-looking creature running loose in Mexico a few years ago, right? The locals called it 'El Chupacabra' (translation: the goatsucker). In addition to becoming a new legend in monster folklore interest in the creature also spawned a couple of low-budget indie monster flicks.

We were sent this email by Katsy down San Antonio way of this Chupa film, The Legend of the Chupacabra. She tells us that there'll be a screening of the film this coming Thursday and also drops a howdy to a certain San Antonio movie website operator who this week is stomping around my turf. Nanook, my faithful polar bear, has been eyeing him...

"This Chupa is taking the Cine Festival (Latino Film Festival) by storm. Director Joe Castro is so stingy with clips that everyone is talking about what little they have seen. Great special effects in this feature length production. You have to see this alien/genetic mutation/enigma that makes this one a sure winner. The real question is how much of the film is fiction and how much is documentary. Makes one wonder. Everyone familar with the hispanic legend will find much in the film that they will swear really happened, because they heard it from their grandmother's friend. You gotta see it. In true 'Indie' style, it was shot with a tight budget showcasing the Texas Hill Country, using solely Texas talent. Special Cine Festival screening, Thursday, June 11, Guadalupe Theater, San Antonio, Texas. (Harry, we met on the football field in Lockhart,and you said you wanted to know more about this 'indie.' This is the latest. Stay tuned, there is bound to be more.) -- Katsy

That be it, for the moment at least. Check back Wednesday evening for a mini-update to the film pages, and send me a fax if you have time at the number below. We bought it for you guys, so go ahead, make use of it. Go ahead -- it's been feelin' real down these days, and I bet a fax would make it feel all good and special again...

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set?? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds???
That's why we're here.

Send them to our mailing address:

Coming Attractions
7971 Burnfield Crescent
Burnaby, B.C., CANADA
V5E 2B8

FAX: (604) 517-4405

We'll do our best to get 'em on the page. (Just remember to poke air holes in the parcel if it's alive -- thanks.)

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Previous issues of Director's Cut are also available.