Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Sunday, March 1, 1998

Update in a couple of days!

I'm striving to finish off a couple of writing deadlines as well as help move the physical studio CA resides at, so for the next couple of days the site won't get updated. Hang in there, because by mid-week on there'll be loads of fresh material hitting the site, including pages for new projects. I appreciate your patience, and I guarantee if you hang in there for a few more days you won't be dissapointed.

Speaking of which, Coming Attractions will be getting a new residence in the next week. That means all mail and faxes should be forwarded on to the new place...

Coming Attractions

7971 Burnfield Crescent
Burnaby, B.C.
V5E 2B8

Voice/Fax: (604) 517-4405

Just so you know, out of interest's sake -- Burnaby is a suburb of Vancouver. (Vancouver being the place just about every syndicated SF series is being shot these days.) We're moving the studio to a place that's more central for myself. That, and the movie theaters are within 10 minutes drive. You know that has to weigh in the decision somewhere.

Oh yeah, one quick item: congrats to Matt Drudge, creator of The Drudge Report for inking a deal with Fox to host his own TV show. Drudge was the first real Internet celebrity -- breaking White House news (and innuendo) seems to draw the folks' attention. Finally, he draws a steady paycheck! Good luck to you, man.

(P.S. If you're out there, this is to the person who sent me the W.C.S. read -- cool. A page will be forthcoming...)

But, before I go...

Test screening of "Doctor Dolittle" for you!

Before I jam outta here, one of my gang attended a sneak preview of a 20th Century Fox summer film. He didn't know what the show would be until he attended the screening. 'Kidd Supreme' reports to you his thoughts on Eddie Murphy's June 26th release, Doctor Dolittle:

"Well it was a long wait in line, but overall, I would have to say it was definately worth the wait. The movie was Dr. Dolittle! I was surprised to hear that, and at the beginning a little disappointed. But my fears were ill placed as this movie was so funny. I can't stress the comedic talents of Eddie Murphy, and the animals on screen. Although this was a rough cut, and in some scenes the special effects were neglected (i.e. you could see the places where they cut Eddie Murhpy out, and pasted him next to a tiger, or what have you, or when the animals didn't move there mouths), it still stood up better than most comedies I've seen of late.

"With the voices of Chris Rock as the guinea pig, and Norm MacDonald (from SNL) as the dog, the laughter was nonstop. At one point in the film, some lady was laughing so hard, they had to stop the film, to see if she was alright. Sheesh! But anyways, the movie goes around the premise that Eddie as a young child, had the ability to talk to animals, and the animals being able to understand him, and communicate back. His father, feeling embarrased, not knowing what the do, calls in a preacher to so called 'Make the spirits leave the boy!' When Little Eddie's dog tries to protect him, the dog is sent off to the pound, and Eddie is specifically told not to talk to animals ever again. Fast forward to the adult Eddie, with a beautiful wife, and two daughters. Eddie (or Dr. Doolittle) is a physician with an ordinary life, and is in the middle of trying to get an insurance company to welcome their hospital aboard, with the possibilty of making each of the head doctors very rich.

"Anyways, later that night, while having a soda in his car, he accidentally spills it, bends over and when he looks back up, he hits a dog, and coincedently hits his head. He look outside his car to see the dog. At first he thinks he's dead, but the dog gets up, and walks off calling him a bonehead. At first, Dr. Doolittle just thinks he's hearing things. But later on in the film, animals are coming to him left and right for medical assistance. Sooner or later, his wife finds out, and has him commited to a pychiatric ward, to talk about his so called 'ability'. After a weeks time, he claims to be all better, and even tries to ignore his gift. But his heart catches up with him, and in the end, he saves a tiger's life, while at the same time, turn down the offer from the insurance company.

"At the end of the movie we see Dr. Doolittle and Norm MacDonald's character, the dog, walking down the streets, looking for more animals to help, and more animals to talk with. I can't confirm the names of the other people in the film, or who even made it because there were no beginning or ending credits. All that I'm sure of is the aformentioned people above ARE in the movie, and that it is SUPPOSED to be released THIS SUMMER by 20th Century Fox. Hopes this helps!"

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds?
Or maybe you walked off the set with an extra tucked under your arm, perhaps?
That's why we're here.

Send them to our NEW mailing address:

Coming Attractions
7971 Burnfield Crescent
Burnaby, B.C., CANADA
V5E 2B8

FAX: (604) 517-4405

We'll do our best to get 'em on the page. (Just remember to poke air holes in the parcel if it's alive -- thanks.)

Enter the world of Technopolis!
Aliens, gangsters and flying roadsters from the 50's
Published bi-monthly by Caliber Comics
Issue #2 OUT NOW!
To order, call 1-888-22-COMIC, or just yell really really loud into the air. We'll get back to ya.

For more info check out the Technopolis website.

Coming Attractions

Previous Issues of Director's Cut:

December 15, 1998
December 4, 1998
November 15, 1998
October 28, 1998
October 15, 1998
October 8, 1998
October 6, 1998
October 2, 1998
September 28, 1998
September 24, 1998
September 16, 1998
August 30, 1998
August 27, 1998
August 19, 1998
August 17, 1998
August 12, 1998
August 1, 1998
July 15, 1998
July 7, 1998
June 23, 1998
June 19, 1998
June 17, 1998
June 10, 1998
May 27, 1998
May 17, 1998
May 10, 1998
May 8, 1998
May 4, 1998
April 22, 1998
April 21, 1998
April 8, 1998
April 5, 1998
April 3, 1998
April 1, 1998
March 30, 1998
March 24, 1998
March 18, 1998
March 13, 1998
March 10, 1998
March 8, 1998
March 5, 1998
March 1, 1998
February 24, 1998
February 22, 1998
February 18, 1998
February 14, 1998
February 12, 1998
February 11, 1998
February 7, 1998
February 4, 1998
January 10, 1998
December 30, 1997
December 24, 1997
December 20, 1997
December 17, 1997
December 15, 1997
December 12, 1997
December 10, 1997
December 8, 1997
December 4, 1997
December 3, 1997
December 1, 1997
November 28, 1997