Coming Attractions

Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Tuesday, June 23, 1998

Quick! I bet you can't guess what's changed around here!

Well well well, lookee what we've got here -- ads.

As of today, Coming Attractions has become an affiliate member of Imagine Media's daily movies section of theden web network. Imagine publishes the leading computer and video game magazines, including PC Gamer, Next Generation, boot, Mac Addict and PlayStation Magazine. theden is their latest creation, a place where they chose the top Web sites that covered movies, music, television and sci-fi and asked them if they'd like to be associated with each other.

Sounds great to you, I'm sure, but your main question has got to be 'What does that mean to me, an oh so faithful reader of CA?'

Nothing changes on your side of the screen. Zero. Zip. It's the same CA as before, but in addition to becoming an associate of theden, Imagine has become our official advertising agency. What that means is that CA will be running banners at the top of the film pages. We've been approached in the past by companies or agencies who wanted to represent CA but I've tried to be careful about this area; but at the same time, as CA kept growing both in disc space used as well as site traffic it's cost us more to maintain the site.

There are two chief reasons we've agreed to let Imagine run our advertising:

One: I've never been against the concept of advertising banners on CA but I wanted to at least have some kind of assurance that the banners would be of interest to my readers. Imagine's concept of what kind of advertising they envisioned for CA came the closest to both myself and Corona Productions vision -- and as well as pursuing other mainstream clients, they'll be approaching entertainment-related (including Hollywood-associated) advertisers to come and take part. I've always thought it'd be cool to see a studio or filmmaker place a banner at the top of their film's page on CA, or an ad for the videogame/book/video for that film. Sure, there's always going to be the fact that CA will hopefully generate some sort of revenue from ads (see point two) but dammit, it'd still be cool to see movie ads on one of the Web's top movie sites.

Two: CA is costing us money. In addition to renting out studio space, purchasing a couple of computers, a scanner and a fax, there's the cost of our Internet connection and disk space. While it's terrific and I'm extremely thankful the site is not only popular with online readers but with the press, the increase in traffic is starting to be felt in our pocketbooks. Part of the hope with placing advertising is that now that CA is well-known, it can sustain itself financially. Another hope is that if CA can make some revenue I'll be able to devote more time to updating the site (I spend over 30+ hours a week already on it, in addition to having to deal with my full-time job. Let's not even get into the wedding plans...) and do more things to enhance the site for you (buying a digital camera f'instance, or being able to afford to report firsthand from places like ShoWest or Sundance.) My only request is to ask that if the advertising is of interest to you, please click on it.

And that's it. Even though we're an affiliate of theden, Imagine and CA are still two completely different entities. Right from the start they told me they like the way I run the site and have no vested interest in what I decide to say or post.

Stop by their site and take a look. Click on one of the movie site ads that interests you. But above all, I value what you think of this place. Without the readers and the scoopers it wouldn't exist, simple as that.

Thanks gang. Now I've got to get started on tomorrow's update...

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set?? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds???
That's why we're here.

Send them to our mailing address:

Coming Attractions
7971 Burnfield Crescent
Burnaby, B.C., CANADA
V5E 2B8

FAX: (604) 517-4405

We'll do our best to get 'em on the page. (Just remember to poke air holes in the parcel if it's alive -- thanks.)

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Previous issues of Director's Cut are also available.