Director's Cut
Last uploaded: Friday, December 4, 1998

Roadkill Spread Across the Information Superhighway

Sometimes when I come in to the Corona studio and sit back and watch all the email come in my Inbox, I think to myself: Man, this is so cool. Lookit all these cool scoops! I gotta get that one up ASAP! And that one! God, is that a picture someone's sent me of a young Jabba the Hutt at Anakin's pod race? What the hell's a .pcx format???

Alright, you get the idea. But even with this tidal wave of digital candy I find I can't get every single scoop up. The site's been so busy and active we're getting scoops about every film in creation, from a report fifteen minutes after the pitch's been sold at Universal to the day before Psycho's nationwide release. With that sort of volume what's a man to do?

Get helpers (see Widgett and Deadpool). And buy a new computer.

Yesss! Today is the day I finally make the galactic leap from my outdated 386 home computer to the wonder and glory of a Pentium II 350. We're talking about a gulf the size from the Jurassic epoch to the summer of 1977. Baby, it's time to see Star Wars!

The good thing is I'll finally be able to access email on a daily basis. This may come as a surprise to the majority of you, that your hugable CA creator has been without 'net access for years. Thankfully the Corona studios is about a half hour's drive from my place so it hasn't been that bad of a trip. But this will mean that I should be able to do a helluva lot more issues of Director's Cut and maybe even upload some more scoops. Don't worry, the Corona studio will still be here including the dedicated phone line/fax that really needs to see more action (604-517-4405, and believe me, I'd really love to see your best drawing of a Christmas tree or reindeer on company letterhead [don't worry, you can remain anonymous] just so I can get the 8 by 9 office area feeling all Christmas-y). But with a new computer I'll be able to do these other glorious, wonderous things that are absolutely necessary for me:

So there's the long and short of it. Here's hoping there won't be too many bugs, and please, if you're in a deathmatch game where 'chant' is one of the players, try to go easy on me, OK? I'll promise to give your film a page on the site, just back away with that rocket launcher, OK?

OK. It's off to Christmas shop I go. You can expect to see my annual Film Wish List for Next Year and a look back at the 1998 scoops this month. I also might be making a trip to L.A. this month for a very cool reason indeed if everything works out. If it does I'll letcha know the details and the dates I'll be away re-stocking my supply of Cherry Coke.

Patrick Sauriol
Creator, Chief Content Writer & Director
Coming Attractions

Got some neato items from the shoot? Parking passes, photos from the set?? Poster images, or the latest hot script making the rounds???
That's why we're here. We tell you what Tom Cruise is doing next before he knows.

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7971 Burnfield Crescent
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V5E 2B8

FAX: (604) 517-4405

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Previous issues of Director's Cut are also available.