IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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  • AC Adapter (7)
  • America Online (946)
  • API device driver, OS/2 PCMCIA Storage card (1003)
  • APM (advanced power management) (275)
  • Windows, installing (621)
  • ATA PC Card (1000)
  • audio
  • problems (895)
  • using
  • AudioDrive (229)
  • Mwave (214)
  • AudioDrive feature
  • using (225)
  • AudioDrive support software
  • for OS/2, installing (568)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (657)
  • for Windows 95, installing (720)
  • for Windows NT, installing (789)
  • Auto Configurator (993)
  • aux source (215)
  • B
  • battery pack
  • charging (247)
  • discharging (270)
  • fuel-gauge program, using (264)
  • installing, secondary battery pack (421)
  • lamp (119)
  • location (83)
  • low-battery condition (258)
  • maximizing battery-powered operation (274)
  • monitoring battery power
  • battery status indicator, using (253)
  • fuel-gauge program, using (267)
  • power status indicator (104)
  • preserving battery-pack life (272)
  • problems (829)
  • remaining battery power indicator (102)
  • replacing (250)
  • status indicator (255)
  • BBS
  • IBM PC company (754)
  • boot manager, OS/2 (538)
  • boot, selectable (166)
  • brightness control (28)
  • bulletin boards (941)
  • C
  • caps lock indicator (114)
  • card service (202)
  • CardBus card (198)
  • CardBus PC Card
  • enabling (708)
  • case (external-diskette-drive) (407)
  • CD-ROM
  • auto insertion notification (871)
  • considerations (872)
  • drive, bezel
  • installing (430)
  • removing (449)
  • drive, device driver
  • for DOS/Windows, installing (603)
  • for OS/2, installing (548)
  • for Windows 95, installing (734)
  • drive, in-use lamp (124)
  • drive, installing (394)
  • drive, installing other options (447)
  • drive, location (51)
  • drive, problems (835)
  • eject button (53)
  • emergency eject hole (52)
  • playing a music CD (152)
  • using (150)
  • charging, battery pack (245)
  • click buttons (TrackPoint III) (143)
  • color depth (180)
  • CompuServe (944)
  • connector door (56)
  • contrast control (27)
  • corrective service diskette (CSD) (961)
  • CSD (962) See also corrective service diskette (CSD)
  • customer support and service (930)
  • D
  • DAA/Telephony Kit (454)
  • dealer locations (932)
  • device driver
  • AudioDrive support software
  • for OS/2, installing (571)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (660)
  • for Windows 95, installing (723)
  • for Windows NT, installing (792)
  • CardBus
  • for Windows 95, installing (706)
  • CD-ROM device driver
  • for DOS/Windows, installing (600)
  • for OS/2, installing (545)
  • for Windows 95, installing (731)
  • display driver
  • for OS/2, installing (582)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (626)
  • for Windows 95, installing (684)
  • for Windows NT, installing (763)
  • enhanced video/MPEG device driver
  • for OS/2, installing (590)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (672)
  • for Windows 95, installing (743)
  • infrared device driver
  • for OS/2, installing (574)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (665)
  • for Windows 95, installing (728)
  • MIDI port device driver
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (655)
  • MIDI sample files
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (650)
  • for Windows 95, installing (718)
  • for Windows NT, installing (787)
  • Mwave DSP support software
  • for OS/2, installing (566)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (645)
  • for Windows 95, installing (713)
  • for Windows NT, installing (782)
  • PC Card Director
  • for DOS, installing (614)
  • for OS/2, installing (560)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (640)
  • PC Card support software
  • for Windows NT, installing (771)
  • PCI-IDE bus master driver
  • for Windows 95, installing (698)
  • PCI-IDE master driver
  • for Windows NT, installing (797)
  • for Windows 95, installing (703)
  • ThinkPad features
  • for DOS, installing (606)
  • for OS/2, installing (551)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (632)
  • for Windows 95, installing (693)
  • for Windows NT, installing (774)
  • video CD player
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (674)
  • for Windows 95, installing (741)
  • diagnostic diskette (963)
  • Digital Video Producer, using (18)
  • DIMM (375)
  • discharging, battery pack (268)
  • diskette drive
  • bezel
  • installing (405)
  • removing (445)
  • case (409)
  • in use, indicator (106)
  • installing (399)
  • in the case (419)
  • other options (443)
  • location (49)
  • problems (839)
  • Diskette Factory
  • using (9)
  • using for Windows 95 (525)
  • diskette-eject button (54)
  • display
  • output type (176)
  • problems (825)
  • switching, using Fn key (134)
  • using (177)
  • display driver
  • for OS/2, installing (578)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (623)
  • for Windows 95, installing (681)
  • for Windows NT, installing (760)
  • DMA channel, system resource (989)
  • Dock I or II
  • docking (504)
  • problems (852)
  • docking control program (156)
  • for Windows 95, disabling (745)
  • docking station
  • attaching (492)
  • problems (850)
  • securing (517)
  • DOS
  • installing (595)
  • drag, TrackPoint III (146)
  • drive-startup sequence (167)
  • DSP See Mwave DSP features
  • dual boot, OS/2 (537)
  • E
  • Easy-Setup
  • drive-startup sequence (165)
  • using (163)
  • EasyServ (934)
  • electronic support (943)
  • enhanced PC support line (951)
  • enhanced video/MPEG device driver
  • for OS/2, installing (587)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (667)
  • for Windows 95, installing (736)
  • enhanced video/MPEG features
  • problems (843)
  • using (20)
  • using for OS/2 (241)
  • using for Windows (244)
  • ergonomics information (2)
  • error codes (814)
  • ESS AudioDrive feature See AudioDrive feature
  • Ethernet RPL speed (172)
  • external keyboard
  • attaching (481)
  • external monitor
  • attaching (184)
  • display driver
  • for OS/2, installing (585)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (629)
  • for Windows 95, installing (687)
  • for Windows NT, installing (766)
  • setting (189)
  • problems (858), (864)
  • external numeric keypad
  • attaching (468)
  • problems (885)
  • external-diskette-drive case (406)
  • external-diskette-drive connector (59)
  • external-input-device connector (33)
  • external-monitor connector (64)
  • ezplay command, for DOS (203)
  • F
  • FAQ (800)
  • fastcfg command (216)
  • FaxWorks, using (10)
  • features (1018)
  • fee services (948)
  • flash card memory technology driver (1006)
  • Fn key function (126)
  • fuel-gauge program
  • Fn key function, using (128)
  • using (262)
  • H
  • hard disk drive
  • in use, indicator (110)
  • installing, secondary hard disk (432)
  • location (81)
  • replacing (388)
  • securing, with password (318)
  • hard disk password
  • changing (325)
  • removing (327)
  • using (316)
  • wrong hard disk password, entering (320)
  • hardware conflicts (984)
  • hardware features (23)
  • hardware specifications (1021)
  • headphone jack (72)
  • heat output, machine specifications (1027)
  • hibernation
  • file, creating (291)
  • problems (870)
  • using (289)
  • using, Fn key function (138)
  • humidity, machine specifications (1026)
  • I
  • I/O address, system resource (990)
  • I99xxxxx See error codes
  • IDE device
  • installing, Dock I or II (509)
  • installing, SelectaDock Docking System (500)
  • identification numbers, recording (925)
  • indicator lamp (93)
  • indicator panel (96)
  • infrared device driver
  • for OS/2, installing (576)
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (662)
  • for Windows 95, installing (725)
  • infrared features
  • using (17)
  • infrared port
  • location (front) (42)
  • location (rear) (61)
  • problems (876)
  • using (205)
  • installing
  • DAA/Telephony Kit (457)
  • DIMM (382), (386)
  • diskette drive in the case (414)
  • docking station (490)
  • external keyboard (479)
  • external numeric keypad (465)
  • hard disk drive (390)
  • modem/fax port (456)
  • mouse (466)
  • option in the UltraBay (438)
  • PC Card (371)
  • secondary battery pack (423)
  • secondary hard disk (434)
  • software (521)
  • internal diskette drive
  • installing in the case (416)
  • Internet
  • address, IBM PC company (756)
  • software, installing (527)
  • IR port See infrared port
  • IRQ, system resource (986)
  • ISA adapter card
  • installing, Dock I or II (511)
  • installing, SelectaDock Docking System (502)
  • J
  • joystick (232)
  • K
  • Kensington lock
  • keyhole (38)
  • using (355)
  • keyboard
  • external, attaching (486)
  • location (30)
  • numeric keypad, using (149)
  • problems (883)
  • raiser (32)
  • release latch (31)
  • keyboard/mouse connector (484)
  • L
  • lamp (97)
  • LCD
  • location (25)
  • problems (823)
  • using (174)
  • lock
  • Kensington lock (353)
  • PC Card lock (361)
  • security plate (513)
  • low-battery condition (256)
  • M
  • makeboot command (217)
  • media library (4)
  • Media Processor See Mwave DSP features
  • memory
  • address, system resource (988)
  • area (981)
  • installing memory option (374)
  • slot
  • cover (91)
  • location (90)
  • memory module (DIMM) (376)
  • messages on screen (818)
  • microphone (built-in) (26)
  • microphone/line-in jack (73)
  • microprocessor, specifications (1020)
  • MIDI port device driver
  • installing, for Windows 3.11 (652)
  • MIDI sample files
  • installing, for Windows 3.11 (647)
  • installing, for Windows 95 (715)
  • installing, for Windows NT (784)
  • MIDI/joystick port
  • location (58)
  • using (231)
  • miscellaneous items envelope (5)
  • modem
  • problems (804), (897)
  • using, Mwave (223)
  • modem/fax port (71)
  • installing (461)
  • location (75)
  • release latch (79)
  • monitor
  • attaching (182)
  • mouse See also TrackPoint III
  • attaching (470)
  • using with
  • TrackPoint III (477)
  • MPEG
  • problems (845)
  • using (238)
  • music CD (153)
  • Mwave DSP features
  • games (219)
  • problems (899)
  • using (208)
  • Mwave DSP support software
  • installing, for OS/2 (563)
  • installing, for Windows 3.11 (642)
  • installing, for Windows 95 (710)
  • installing, for Windows NT (779)
  • N
  • Network and Server Support fee (952)
  • network RPL (remote program load) (170), (982)
  • NTSC (235)
  • numeric keypad (147)
  • numeric lock indicator (112)
  • O
  • online book (1)
  • Online Housecall (940)
  • online information services (942)
  • operating systems
  • installing (523)
  • IBM PC DOS (593)
  • OS/2 Warp (530)
  • Windows 3.11 (617)
  • Windows 95 (677)
  • Windows NT (752)
  • updates (957)
  • option cover
  • location (70)
  • removing (451)
  • options
  • battery pack (427)
  • CardBus card (195)
  • CD-ROM drive
  • installing (397)
  • DIMM (378), (380), (384)
  • diskette drive
  • installing (402)
  • Dock I or II (506)
  • docking station (494)
  • external keyboard (483), (488)
  • external monitor (186)
  • external numeric keypad (472)
  • external-diskette-drive case
  • installing (412)
  • hard disk drive (392)
  • in UltraBay (440)
  • modem/fax port (459)
  • mouse (474)
  • PC Card
  • installing (369)
  • using (197)
  • problems (904)
  • SelectaDock Docking System (498)
  • OS/2 Warp
  • installing (532)
  • problem (536), (542)
  • P
  • PAL (236)
  • parallel connector (65)
  • part numbers, power cords (1031)
  • password
  • hard disk password
  • using (311)
  • wrong, entering (323)
  • personalization editor, using with (349)
  • power-on password
  • using (294)
  • wrong, entering (304)
  • supervisor password
  • using (330)
  • wrong, entering (338)
  • PC Card
  • PC card
  • API device driver (1005)
  • ATA PC Card (1002)
  • Auto Configurator (995)
  • CardBus card (193)
  • eject button (36)
  • flash card memory technology driver (1008)
  • installing (366)
  • problems (910), (979)
  • registering a card (997)
  • remote program load (977)
  • removing (372)
  • resource conflicts, avoiding (1012)
  • resources, checking (1010)
  • securing (365)
  • slot (35)
  • suspend mode, using with (287)
  • system boot up (978)
  • using (192), (992)
  • virtual card services (1016)
  • PC Card Director
  • installing, for DOS (611)
  • installing, for OS/2 (557)
  • installing, for Windows 3.11 (637)
  • using (200)
  • PC Card support software
  • installing, for Windows NT (768)
  • PC DOS
  • installing (597)
  • PCI-IDE bus master driver
  • installing, for Windows 95 (695)
  • PCI-IDE master driver
  • installing, for Windows NT (794)
  • installing software, for Windows 95 (700)
  • PCMCIA Card See PC Card
  • PCMCIA device driver See PC Card Director
  • personalization editor (347)
  • pointing device
  • attaching (463)
  • problems (887)
  • POST error prompt (819)
  • power cord (6)
  • power cords (1028)
  • power jack (68)
  • power management (278)
  • power mode
  • switching, using Fn key (136)
  • using (277)
  • power saving (280)
  • power shutdown switch (63)
  • power switch (77)
  • power-on lamp (122)
  • power-on password
  • changing (306)
  • removing (308)
  • using (299)
  • wrong power-on password, entering (301)
  • printer
  • problems (914)
  • setting for Windows 95 (12)
  • problems
  • audio (893)
  • battery pack (831)
  • CD-ROM drive (833)
  • diskette drive (837)
  • Dock I or II (747), (847)
  • enhanced video/MPEG features (841)
  • error codes (813)
  • external monitor (856)
  • external numeric keypad (879)
  • FAQ (799)
  • general (827)
  • infrared (874)
  • IRQ (974)
  • keyboard (878)
  • LCD (821)
  • messages on screen (817)
  • modem (802), (892)
  • Mwave DSP features (891)
  • options (901)
  • OS/2 Warp installation (534), (540)
  • PC Card (908), (1014)
  • pointing device (880)
  • printer (912)
  • resource conflict (975)
  • SelectaDock Docking System (749), (848)
  • serial port (902)
  • software (916)
  • suspend/hibernation (866)
  • television (860)
  • testing the computer (808)
  • TrackPoint III (881)
  • troubleshooting charts (811)
  • Prodigy (945)
  • PS2 commands (159)
  • publications
  • ordering (965)
  • Q
  • quick charger (248)
  • R
  • rear door (55)
  • record of identification numbers (924)
  • RediSafe, suspend (285)
  • release latch (40)
  • remote technical support (939)
  • repair services (966)
  • getting service (921), (969)
  • identification numbers (927)
  • resolution (179)
  • resource map utility (998)
  • resume function (279)
  • RPL (remote program load) (168), (983)
  • S
  • sales information (933)
  • scroll lock indicator (116)
  • security
  • docking station (515)
  • Kensington lock (357)
  • password
  • hard disk password (314)
  • power-on password (297)
  • supervisor password (335)
  • PC Card (363)
  • personalization editor (351)
  • security latch
  • location (85)
  • using (359)
  • security lock See Kensington lock
  • SelectaDock Docking System
  • docking (496)
  • problems (854)
  • serial number (92), (928)
  • serial port
  • location (67)
  • problems (906)
  • service (970)
  • how to get (923), (972)
  • ServicePak (960)
  • services, fee (947)
  • shipped items (3)
  • size, machine specifications (1023)
  • socket service (201)
  • software
  • installing (519)
  • problems (918)
  • speaker (built-in) (43)
  • speaker indicator (98)
  • specifications (1019), (1022)
  • power cords (1030)
  • standby mode
  • Fn key function, using (130)
  • using (282)
  • startup, changing (169)
  • storage card device driver (999)
  • supervisor password
  • changing (342)
  • removing (344)
  • several hard disk drives, using (346)
  • using (332)
  • wrong, entering (340)
  • suspend mode
  • Fn key function, using (132)
  • problems (868)
  • using (284)
  • suspend-mode lamp (120)
  • SVGA monitor (178)
  • system resource list (985)
  • system-expansion connector (62)
  • system-status indicators
  • battery lamp (117)
  • battery status (100)
  • caps lock (113)
  • CD-ROM drive in-use (125)
  • diskette drive in use (107)
  • hard disk in use (108)
  • location (95)
  • numeric lock (111)
  • power on (123)
  • scroll lock (115)
  • speaker (99)
  • suspend mode lamp (121)
  • T
  • technical support (931)
  • fee (950)
  • remote (938)
  • telephone assistance (929)
  • telephony
  • using, Mwave (221)
  • television
  • attaching (234)
  • problems (862)
  • temperature, machine specifications (1025)
  • testing the computer (806)
  • ThinkPad EasyServ (955)
  • ThinkPad features
  • fuel-gauge program (260)
  • installing (553), (608)
  • DOS Version 7.0 (609)
  • OS/2 Warp (554)
  • Windows 3.11 (635)
  • Windows 95 (690)
  • Windows NT (777)
  • PS2 commands, using
  • using (155)
  • using for DOS
  • ThinkPad IDE Adapter Kit for Dock I and Dock II (507)
  • ThinkPad system management device driver (555)
  • token-ring RPL speed (171)
  • TrackPoint III
  • changing the cap (145)
  • location (45)
  • problems (889)
  • using (142)
  • TranXit, using (15)
  • troubleshooting charts (809)
  • U
  • UltraBay
  • battery pack, installing (425)
  • hard disk, installing (436)
  • location (87)
  • options, installing (453)
  • updates
  • operating system (959)
  • V
  • video
  • capturing (22)
  • video CD player
  • for Windows 3.11, installing (669)
  • for Windows 95, installing (738)
  • video driver See display driver
  • Video IN (OS/2) (242)
  • video in/out ports (76)
  • video overlay/capture (239)
  • virtual card services (1017)
  • voice-over-data (VOD) (211)
  • volume control
  • Fn key function, using (140)
  • location (47)
  • W
  • warranty (967)
  • extensions and upgrades (954)
  • service, international (936)
  • weight, machine specifications (1024)
  • Windows 3.11
  • installing (619)
  • Windows 95
  • installing (679)
  • printer setting (14)
  • Windows NT
  • installing (758)

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