IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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Using the ThinkPad Features Program

(Ref #21.)  

ThinkPad Features is a control program that allows you to configure your computer. Using the ThinkPad Features program, you can easily set up and customize the built-in devices, such as the parallel port or infrared port.
To install the ThinkPad Features program:
> "Installing Software".

It also provides the Device Configuration Management System, which automatically detects a system resource (such as IRQ, DMA, I/O address, or memory) conflict, so that you can easily set up your computer configuration for the new device or software. For more details about each device's resource, see Appendix A. "System Resources".

To start the ThinkPad Features program:

Other ThinkPad Utilities

The ThinkPad Features program group also provides various features:

Using the PS2 Commands

  (Ref #24.)

You can use the ThinkPad Features program from the DOS or OS/2 command prompt using PS2 commands. Type PS2 ? at the DOS prompt to display the ThinkPad Features online help menu.

You can create a batch file to set your unique operating environment quickly and easily. The following sample batch file allows you to set up an operational environment that is suitable for traveling and can result in longer battery operation time.
@Echo Off
Rem  SAMPLE: Set the parameters to provide maximum power utilization.
Rem  ================================================================
            PS2 PMode Custom DC                   > Nul
            PS2 LCd 3                             > Nul
            PS2 DISK 3                            > Nul
            PS2 POwer 5                           > Nul
            PS2 SPeed Fixed MIN                   > Nul
            PS2 STandby 3                         > Nul
            PS2 IR OFf                            > Nul
            PS2 SErial OFf                        > Nul

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