IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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Using Easy-Setup

(Ref #25.)  

The computer has a built-in system setup function called Easy-Setup.

Easy-Setup has the following menu:

To start Easy-Setup:

  1. Turn off the computer, and remove any diskette from the diskette drive. (Ref #26.)

  2. Press and hold F1; then turn on the computer. Hold F1 until the Easy-Setup menu appears.
    * Figure c79ch402 not displayed.

    You can change the screen color of the Easy-Setup menu with the key combinations of Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDn. Use Ctrl+Home to restore the original screen color.

Using the Selectable Drive-Startup Sequence

(Ref #27.)        

If you change your startup sequence, you must be extremely careful when you do write operations (such as copying, saving, or formatting). Your data or programs can be overwritten if you select the wrong drive.

Selectable drive startup (selectable boot) allows you to control the startup sequence of the drives in your computer. The order in which the computer searches the drives for your operating system is the drive-startup sequence. If you are working with multiple operating systems, you might want to change the drive-startup sequence to load an operating system from the hard disk or a PC Card without checking the diskette drive, or to do a remote program load (RPL).
* Figure c79ch40c not displayed.

The HDD-1 icon represents the internal hard disk drive installed in the computer. (If the second hard disk drive is installed in the UltraBay, it is shown as HDD-2.) The other numbered HDD icons are external hard disk drives.

FDD-1 represents the first diskette drive found during system startup. When no diskette drive is installed in the UltraBay and if an attached docking station has a diskette drive, the diskette drive in the docking station is the first drive.

Changing the Startup Sequence

(Ref #28.)  

To change the startup sequence:

  1. Start Easy-Setup and select Start up.

  2. Move the cursor to the Reset icon; then press the Spacebar.

  3. Move the cursor to the icon for the first device in the startup sequence; then press the Spacebar.

    Repeat this step to set the other devices for the startup sequence. You can set up to four devices.

    You cannot set a hard disk drive before a PCMCIA Card in the startup sequence.

  4. Click on OK or press Enter to save the change.
(Ref #29.)      
Selecting the Network RPL Speed
If you use a remote program load through a token-ring card or other network card, you can select the RPL speed.

  1. Start Easy-Setup and select Start up.

  2. Move the cursor to the Network icon; then press the Spacebar.

    The window to select the token-ring RPL speed appears.

  3. Move the cursor to the 4 icon (for 4 Mbps) or the 16 icon (for 16 Mbps); then press the Spacebar and press Enter.

    If you are using another card, such as an Ethernet card, you do not need to specify the RPL speed. Press Esc to exit this window.

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