IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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Installing Software for Windows 95

* Figure c79chw95 not displayed.

This section describes the installation procedures for Windows 95 and its device drivers for your ThinkPad computer.
Before reinstalling the operating system and device drivers, you need to create the following diskettes:
    (Ref #131.)

  • The Windows 95 setup diskettes
    1. Click on Start.
    2. Click on Accessories; then click on System Tools.
    3. Click on Create System Disks; then follow the instructions on the screen.

  • All device driver diskettes for Windows 95

    Use the Diskette Factory program (a diskette backup program that is preloaded on your computer).

  • Copy the file CARDBUPD.EXE in the \Windows\patch directory of the hard disk drive to a blank diskette. (This diskette is necessary to install the PCMCIA support software.)

The following shows the software already installed at the time of purchase. For your computer to work as it did at the time of purchase, install all of this software:

Also, if you use the docking station, see "Disabling the Docking Control Program" and "Using Windows 95 with the Dock II".

Installing Microsoft Windows 95

(Ref #132.)  
If you have not created the Windows 95 setup diskettes, create them before reinstalling Windows 95:
  1. Click on Start.
  2. Click on Accessories; then click on System Tools.
  3. Click on Create System Disks; then follow the instructions on the screen.

Install Windows 95 as described in the Windows 95 documentation.
To Avoid Problems While Installing
If you encounter a problem while installing Windows 95, refer to the following:

  • If the screen blacks out during installation, do the following:

    1. When the screen blacks out, wait until the hard disk activity stops (until the hard disk indicator disappears); then restart the computer.

    2. Start the Windows 95 setup from the beginning.

    3. On the Safe Recovery screen of the Windows 95 Setup Wizard, select Use Safe Recovery (recommended); then click on the Next> button.

    4. On the Setup Options screen of the Windows 95 Setup Wizard, select Custom; then click on the Next> button.

    5. On the Analyzing Your Computer screen of the Windows 95 Setup Wizard, select Yes, redetect now; then click on the Next> button.

      Follow the instructions to complete the installation of Windows 95.

  • If you encounter Unknown Hardware Found messages during installation, select Do not install a driver (Windows will not prompt you again).

Installing the ThinkPad Display Driver for Windows 95


To install the ThinkPad display driver for Windows 95, do the following:

  1. Start Windows 95.

  2. Open My Computer and Control Panel.

  3. Open Display; then click on the Settings tab.

  4. Click on the Advanced Properties button.

  5. Click on the Adapter tab; then click on Change....

  6. Click on Have Disk...; then click on OK.

  7. Insert the ThinkPad Video Features Diskette for Windows 95 into the diskette drive.

  8. Select IBM ThinkPad (Cyber 9385/82) PCI; then click on OK.

  9. Click on Close.

  10. Select your screen parameters from the Color palette, Desktop area, and Font size; then click on Close.

  11. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    Windows 95 prompts you to restart Windows 95 to make the display driver change effective.

You have completed the installation of the ThinkPad display driver.

Installing the ThinkPad Features Program for Windows 95


To install the ThinkPad Features program for Windows 95, do the following:

  1. Start Windows 95.

  2. Insert the ThinkPad Utility Diskette for Windows 3.1/Windows 95 into the diskette drive.

  3. Click on Start.

  4. Click on Run....

  5. Type a:installw; then click on OK.

  6. Follow the instructions on the screen.

You have completed the installation of the ThinkPad Features program.

Installing the PCI-IDE Bus Master Driver for Windows 95


The PCI-IDE Bus Master driver is automatically installed when you install Windows 95.

  • Do not activate the PCI-IDE Bus Master driver installed in the computer. Otherwise, computer performance may be degraded.

  • Do not install the PCI-IDE Bus Master driver from the utility diskette.

Installing the PCMCIA Support Software for Windows 95


To enable your PC Cards, install the PCMCIA and CardBus support software for Windows 95

    First, replace the CardBus Socket Service driver already installed in your computer:

  1. Open My Computer, Control Panel, and then System.

  2. Click on the Device Manager tab.

  3. Click on the + mark for the PCMCIA socket.

  4. Remove PCIC or compatible PCMIA controller if it is shown under the PCMCIA socket device.

  5. Insert the diskette you have created for the PCMCIA support software installation on "Installing Software for Windows 95" into the diskette drive.

  6. Click on Start, Run, and type a:CARDBUPD; then click on OK.

    Next, enable the PCMCIA support software:

  7. Open My Computer; then open Control Panel.

  8. Open PC Card (PCMCIA).

  9. Select No for the question "Are you using a PC card to install Windows?"; then click on Next.

  10. Select No for the question "Do you want to review your system files and select real-mode PC card drivers so Windows can disable them?"; then click on Next.

  11. Click on Finish to complete the Windows 95 PCMCIA support setup.

  12. Restart the computer.
To use a CardBus PC Card
If you use a CardBus PC Card installed in the computer, enable the CardBus support as follows:

  1. Start the ThinkPad Features program.

  2. Click on the PC Card (* Figure c79chtfe not displayed.) icon; then click on CardBus setup.

  3.  Add a check mark for the Enable CardBus..

    If a warning message informs you of a resource conflict, click on OK; then click on OK again in the CardBus Setup window.

  4.  Select the appropriate IRQ value; then click on OK.

    If a warning message informs you of a resource conflict, click on OK; then click on OK again in the CardBus Setup window.

  5. Restart the computer to make the change effective.
If you use a CardBus PC Card installed in the SelectaDock II Docking System, enable the CardBus support as follows:

  1. Start the ThinkPad Features program.

  2. Click on the Docking station (* Figure c79chtf6 not displayed.) icon.

  3. Click on Advanced; then click on CardBus setup.

  4.  Add a check mark for the Enable CardBus.

    If a warning message informs you of a resource conflict, click on OK; then click on OK again in the CardBus Setup window.

  5.  Select the appropriate IRQ value; then click on OK.

    If a warning message informs you of a resource conflict, click on OK; then click on OK again in the CardBus Setup window.

  6. Restart the computer to make the change effective.

Installing the Mwave DSP Support Software for Windows 95


* Figure c79ch7x not displayed. * Figure c79ch7xd not displayed.
Do one of the following:

Installing the Mwave DSP Support Software

To install the Mwave DSP support software:

  1. Start Windows 95; then click on Start, and then Run....

  2. Insert the Mwave DSP Features Diskette 1 for Windows 95 into the diskette drive; then type A:SETUP and press Enter.

    The Mwave installation window appears and prompts you to input the destination directory for the software. If the default directory is OK, press Enter. Otherwise, type a directory name and press Enter.

    Follow the instructions on the screen.

  3. If you are installing the Mwave DSP support software for the first time, go to "Installing the Mwave MIDI Sample Files" and follow the instructions. Otherwise, remove any diskette from the diskette drive and restart Windows 95.
Non-U.S. users must run the Country Selection program in the Mwave window after the Mwave installation is complete. Restart the computer after you run Country Selection.
Encounter a problem?
If you encounter a problem when using the Mwave DSP features for Windows 95 after installation, verify that "C:\MWW\DLL" is included in the PATH statement of AUTOEXEC.BAT.

Installing the Mwave MIDI Sample Files


To play MIDI files on your computer, install the Mwave MIDI sample files as follows:

  1. Start Windows 95; then click on Start, and then Run....

  2. Insert the MIDI Samples Diskette 1 into the diskette drive; then type A:SETUP and press Enter.

    The Mwave installation window appears and prompts you to input the destination directory for the software. If the default directory is OK, press Enter. Otherwise, type a directory name and press Enter.

  3. Follow the instructions on the screen. After the installation is completed, remove any diskette from the diskette drive; then restart Windows 95.

Installing the AudioDrive Support Software for Windows 95

* Figure c79ch7xl not displayed.

When you install Windows 95, it might detect the AudioDrive chip installed in your computer, and automatically install the required audio software in your hard disk drive. However, the version of the AudioDrive support software supplied with Windows 95 might be an earlier version than the one needed for your computer.

In any case, you should reinstall the AudioDrive support software as follows:

  1. Start Windows 95; then open My Computer.

  2. Click on Control Panel and then click on System to open the System Properties window.

  3. Click on the Device Manager tab; then double-click on Sound, video, and game controllers from the list.

  4. Double-click on ESS AudioDrive; then click on the Driver tab.

  5. Click on the Update Driver... button.

  6. Insert the Audio Features Diskette for Windows 95 into the diskette drive.

  7. Select Yes for the question "Do you want to search for the driver?" on the Update Device Driver Wizard panel.

  8. Click on the Finish button.

  9. The Copying File panel asks for one of the Windows 95 installation diskettes.

  10. Change the source to A:; then click on OK.

    The installation begins.

  11. After the installation is complete, restart the computer.

You have completed the installation of the AudioDrive support software for Windows 95.

Installing the Infrared Device Driver for Windows 95


To install the infrared device driver for Windows 95, do the following:

  1. Start Windows 95; then go to the MS-DOS command prompt.

  2. Insert the Infrared Features Diskette into the diskette drive; then type A:UINSTALL and press Enter.

  3. In the Installation Options window, press Enter to accept the default source drive.

    Follow the instructions on the screen.

  4. Select Install Windows ThinkPad Infrared Driver when you are prompted.

    Make sure you specify the directory where you have installed Windows 95 when asked.

To make sure that the infrared port is configured correctly, do the following:

  1. Start Windows 95 and select My Computer.

  2. Click on Control Panel and then System.

  3. Click on the Device Manager tab; then see if the Generic IrDA Compatible Device node has (COM1) or (COM2).

    Generic IrDA Compatible Device might be shown as Generic Ir Serial Port on the screen.

    If not, do the following:

    1. Go to the MS-DOS command prompt.

    2. Type edit c:\windows\inf\msports.inf and press Enter.

    3. Locate the following line:
         %*PNP0510.DeviceDesc%=NoDrv, *PNP0510
      Change this line to:
         %*PNP0510.DeviceDesc%=ComPort, *PNP0510

    4. Save the changed file and exit the MS-DOS command prompt.

    5. In the Device Manager panel, click on Generic IrDA Compatible Device node.

      Generic IrDA Compatible Device might be shown as Generic Ir Serial Port on the screen.

    6. Click on Remove and then Yes to remove this node temporarily.

    7. Click on Refresh, then Yes to register this node using the new port definition.

    8. Restart Windows 95.

If your computer's hard disk drive is formatted with the FAT32 file system, do the following:

  1. Insert the Infrared Features Diskette into the diskette drive.

  2. Open the MS-DOS command prompt and go to the Windows directory.

  3. Type COPY A:IBM*.*; then press Enter.

  4. Open the SYSTEM.INI file using your editor program.

    For example, type EDIT SYSTEM.INI; then press Enter.

  5. Locate <386Enh> in the SYSTEM.INI file and add the following line after <386Enh>:

    Make sure there is no duplicated line.

  6. Save and quit the file.

To know your hard disk's file system, do the following:

  1. Open Control Panel, and highlight the hard disk icon (such as [C:]) by clicking.

  2. Select File from the menu bar and select Properties from the pull-down menu.

If Local Disk (FAT32) is shown at Type, your hard disk's file system is FAT32.

Installing the CD-ROM Device Driver for Windows 95

* Figure c79chfbd not displayed.
This section describes how to disable unnecessary DOS/Windows CD-ROM device driver.

To disable the DOS/Windows CD-ROM device drivers:

  1. Start Windows 95 and go to the MS-DOS command prompt.

  2. Open the CONFIG.SYS file; then find the following line:
         DEVICE=C:\xxxxxx\IBMTPCD.SYS /R

    The default subdirectory for C:\xxxxxx is C:\CDROM.

    xxxxxx is the subdirectory where you have installed the CD-ROM device driver. If you cannot find the line, quit the file and go to step 4.

  3. Comment out the line to change it as follows:

    If the line is already commented out, quit the file and go to the next step.

  4.  Open the AUTOEXEC.BAT file; then find the following line:
         C:\xxxxxx\MSCDEX.EXE /D:TPCD001 /M:15

    The default subdirectory for C:\xxxxxx is C:\CDROM.

    xxxxxx is the subdirectory where you have installed the CD-ROM device driver. If you cannot find the line, quit the file and go to step 6.

  5. Comment out the line to change it as follows:
         REM C:\xxxxxx\MSCDEX.EXE /D:TPCD001 /M:15

    If the line is already commented out, quit the file and go to the next step.

  6.  Exit the DOS command prompt; then reboot the system.

Installing the Enhanced Video/MPEG Device Driver and the Video CD Player for Windows 95

* Figure c79ch7xd not displayed.

To use the Enhanced Video functions in Windows 95, you must install the ThinkPad display driver (Cyber...) and the Mwave DSP support software before installing the Enhanced Video device drivers.

Installing the Video Overlay/Capture Device Driver for Windows 95

The Video Overlay/Capture device driver enables the video in-out port and Video for Windows (a standard component in Windows 95) or its compatible software.

To install the Video Overlay/Capture device driver for Windows 95:

  1. Start Windows 95; then click on My Computer, Control Panel, and then Add New Hardware.

  2. Click on Next>; then select No to the question Search for your new hardware?.

  3. Click on Next>; then select Sound, video, and game controllers.

  4. Click on Next>; then click on Have Disk.

  5. Insert the MPEG/Video Capture Driver Diskette for Windows 95 into the diskette drive; then select OK.

  6. Install all the drivers listed on the screen.

    You cannot install multiple drivers at the same time.

  7. After the installation is complete, remove the diskette from the diskette drive.

  8. Restart the computer to make the video overlay/capture device driver effective.

To use the video capture and playback functions, refer to the Windows 95 documentation or your video capture/playback software manual.

To install the MPEG device driver, proceed to the following section.

Installing the MPEG Device Driver for Windows 95

The MPEG device driver enables playback for MPEG motion video, CD-i movies, and Video CDs on your computer. To install the MPEG driver for Windows 95:

  1. Start Windows 95; then click on My Computer.

  2.  Click on Control Panel and then Add New Hardware.

  3. Click on Next>; then select No to the question Search for your new hardware?

  4. Click on Next>; then select Sound, video and game controller.

  5. Click on Next>.

  6. Insert the MPEG Features Diskette for Windows 95 into the diskette drive; then click on Have Disk....

  7.  Highlight IBM MPEG CD-i/VideoCD (mci); then click on OK.

  8. Click on OK; then click on Finish.

  9.  Click on Finish.

  10. When Windows 95 prompts you to restart the computer, click on No, and repeat steps 2 to 9 to install IBM MPEG Files/ISO9660 (mci), by selecting IBM MPEG Files/ISO9660 (mci) in step 7.

  11. When Windows 95 prompts you to restart the computer, click on No, and repeat steps 2 to 9 to install IBM MPEG PCI Bridge by selecting IBM MPEG PCI Bridge in step 7.

    If this is the first installation of the IBM MPEG PCI Bridge, you must do the following once. This procedure removes the device from the unknown class and adds it to the sound, video, and game controllers.

    1. Select Control Panel, System, and then Device Manager.

    2. Select Other Devices and PCI Multimedia Device.

    3. Select Remove; then click on OK.

  12. Shut down Windows 95 and restart the computer.

Installing the IBM Video CD Player for Windows 95

The IBM Video CD Player application enables the playback of video CDs and CD-i movies with more options than the Windows 95 standard Media Player. To install the IBM Video CD Player:

  1. Start Windows 95; then click on the Start button and click on Run....

  2. Insert the Video CD Player Install Diskette into the diskette drive; then type A:SETUP and press Enter.

    Follow the instructions on the screen.

Disabling the Docking Control Program


All docking functions, once provided by the ThinkPad Docking Control Utility program for Windows, are now supported by the ThinkPad Plug-and-Play BIOS and Windows 95.

If you have installed Windows 95 on a computer in which the Docking Control Utility for Windows had already been installed, stop this utility program from working as follows:

  1. Open the WIN.INI file using your editor; then remove the following statement:
      load=C:\THINKPAD\DOCKWIN.EXE  < Remove this statement

    To open the WIN.INI file, type EDIT WIN.INI and press Enter.

  2. Save and close the file.

  3. Open the SYSTEM.INI file using your editor; then remove this statement:
      device=IBMPNP.386    < Remove this statement

  4. Save and close the file; then restart Windows to make the changes effective.

Using Windows 95 with the Dock II


When you use the Dock II with your computer and Windows 95, you need to disable the host adapter SCSI BIOS for Dock II. You can disable the host adapter SCSI BIOS by using either the Dock II SCSISelect(**) utility or the DIP switches in the Dock II:

Using the Dock II SCSISelect Utility

  1. Attach your computer to the Dock II and turn on the computer.

  2. Press and hold the Ctrl key; then press the A key when prompted at boot time.

  3. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings and disable the Host Adapter BIOS.

Using the DIP Switches in the Dock II

To use the DIP switches, refer to the section on using the SCSI controller in the Dock II User's Guide.

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