IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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Using the LCD and an External Monitor

(Ref #30.)            

This section provides information about the computer LCD and an external monitor.

You can display the computer output on the LCD, an externally attached monitor (CRT), or both.

The following shows the resolution and color combinations for each display output type. It depends on your computer's LCD type:

Changing the Resolution or Color Depth for the LCD

To change the screen resolution or color depth for the LCD panel, do the following:
* Figure c79chos2 not displayed.* Figure c79chw31 not displayed.

If you use OS/2 Warp or Windows 3.11, use the ThinkPad Features program. Click on the Display (* Figure c79chtf1 not displayed. or * Figure c79chtf7 not displayed.) icon.
To change the resolution or color depth for WIN-OS/2, use the ThinkPad Features program in WIN-OS/2.

* Figure c79chw95 not displayed.
If you use Windows 95, use the Windows 95 Control Panel. Select My Computer, Control Panel, Display, and then Settings.
* Figure c79chwnt not displayed.
If you use Windows NT, use the Windows NT Control Panel.

Attaching an External Monitor

(Ref #31.)      

When installing an operating system, you must install the ThinkPad display driver before you can use an external monitor.

To install the display driver:
> "Installing Software".

To attach an external monitor:

  1. Change the display output type (where to display the computer output) as follows so that you can see the computer output on the external monitor:

    You can use the Fn key function (Fn+F7) or PS2 SC command to change the display output type.

    1. Start the ThinkPad Features program.

    2. Click on each of the following icons:

      • The CRT (* Figure c79chtfo not displayed.) icon to display information on the external monitor.

      • The Both (* Figure c79chtfp not displayed.) icon to display information on both the LCD and external monitor.

      • (The LCD (* Figure c79chtfn not displayed.) icon to display information on the LCD.)


      • Do not attach an overhead projector or any office equipment other than a monitor. Otherwise, the computer might be damaged.

      • When you select Both, do not attach an external monitor that supports only VGA mode (640-by-480 resolution). Otherwise, the screen size looks smaller, or the external monitor screen will be scrambled and the output will not be displayed (or the screen might be damaged).

  2. Set the monitor type and the display driver: (Ref #32.)  

    1. Click on the Display (* Figure c79chtf1 not displayed. or * Figure c79chtf7 not displayed.) icon in the ThinkPad Features program.

    2. Click on the Advanced... button.

      You can select your display type from the monitor list, or click on a new resolution or refresh rate.

      Refer to the specifications for your external monitor to determine its supported resolutions and refresh rates.

    3. Restart the computer to make the changes effective.
    When you are using OS/2 or Windows, the virtual screen function is available with the ThinkPad Features program. You can display a part of the high-resolution screen image that is produced by the computer. Other parts can be seen by moving the screen with the TrackPoint III or other pointing device.

  3. Connect the external monitor to the computer:

    1. Turn off the computer.

    2. Attach the external monitor to the external monitor connector ( * Figure c79chds not displayed. ) at the rear of the computer and then to the electrical outlet.

    3. Turn on the external monitor and the computer.

Do not disconnect the external monitor while the computer is in suspend mode or hibernation mode. If no external monitor is attached when the computer resumes, the LCD remains blank and the output is not displayed. This does not depend on the resolution value.

When Changing the Display Settings

* Figure c79chos2 not displayed.
If you are using OS/2 Warp:

  • Do not use System in the System Setup folder to change the resolution or color depth. Use the ThinkPad Features program to configure the display.

  • To change the display settings for WIN-OS/2, use the ThinkPad Features program in WIN-OS/2.

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