IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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Walking through the ThinkPad Basics

The ThinkPad computer preloads a lot of useful software. This section introduces how to use your computer by using this software in the Windows 95 environment.

Sending a Fax Message (Mwave Model Only)


* Figure c79chw95 not displayed.
* Figure c79ch7x not displayed.* Figure c79ch7xd not displayed.

You can send or receive a fax message with the ThinkPad's Mwave feature and a preloaded application FaxWorks(**). With FaxWorks, the ThinkPad computer works as a fax machine, telephone, or answering machine.

This section describes how to send a fax from the Windows 95 application WordPad.

  1. Attach an active telephone line to the modem/fax port on the left side of the computer.
    To attach the telephone line:
    > reference #39.

  2. Start Windows 95, and double-click on Preloaded Applications, FaxWorks, and then Call Center.
    * Figure c79chfwa not displayed.

    If you are using FaxWorks for the first time, you are prompted to do the basic setup. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen until the following window appears in Windows 95:
    * Figure c79chfwb not displayed.

  3.  Select Start at the bottom of Windows 95. Select Programs, Accessories, and then WordPad.

  4. In the WordPad white window, type the text you wish to fax.

  5. Select File on the menu bar, and select Print from the pull-down menu. Then select FX-WORKS from the pull-down menu for Name.

  6. Select OK.

    The FaxWorks - Send Fax window is automatically displayed.

  7. Type a fax number you want to send the fax to. (Your own fax number is recommended for a test.)

  8. Select Send to send the fax.

    Check if your fax has been sent to the destination number.

For more information about FaxWorks, see the document for FaxWorks that came with the computer.

Attaching a Printer

* Figure c79chw95 not displayed.

The following describes how to attach a printer to the computer and set up for Windows 95:

  1. Attach your printer to the parallel connector (* Figure c79ch888 not displayed.) at the rear of the computer.

  2. Select Start in Windows 95, select Settings, and then select Printers.

  3. Double-click on Add Printer. Follow the instructions on the screen.

The new icon for your printer appears in the Printers folder. Now, you can use your printer from Windows 95.

For more details, refer to the "Printing" section in the Windows 95 manual (Introducing Microsoft Windows 95), which is contained in the Windows 95 package.

Using the Infrared Communication

* Figure c79chw95 not displayed.

Your ThinkPad computer is equipped with two infrared ports on the front and rear of the computer. Through each port you can share or transfer computer data without any cables between your computer and another computer equipped with an infrared port.

This section describes how to communicate between two ThinkPad computers using a preloaded application TranXit.

  1. Start Windows 95, and double-click on Preloaded Applications, and then TranXit.

    You will see a file manager window.

  2. If this is the first time you use TranXit, select Setup, and then Computer Name.

    Type your favorite name for each computer. (The names must not be the same.)

  3. Place the two computers so that the infrared ports face each other:

    It is recommended that you use the rear infrared port for communicating between ThinkPad computers.

    * Figure c79ch15 not displayed.
    When you use the front infrared port, open the LCD to a wide angle to prevent the light from the LCD from affecting the infrared communication.
    * Figure c79ch17 not displayed.

    After a short pause, the file manager window splits in two:
    * Figure c79chir1 not displayed.
    The window on the left displays the contents of the hard disk in the other ("remote") computer.

  4. You can copy a file or directory between computers by dragging and dropping. See online help for more details.

Capturing a Motion Video (Enhanced Video Model Only)

* Figure c79chw95 not displayed.* Figure c79ch7xd not displayed.

You can easily capture video using the preloaded application Digital Video Producer and your video equipment. You can use the captured image to create a bitmap file, or to "cut and paste" into your presentation file.

This section describes how to capture motion video using the video camera, and save it to the computer's hard disk.

  1. Turn off the computer.

  2. Have your video camera and your video connector cable (yellow) * Figure n1 not displayed. ready. Also, have the following video in-out cable * Figure n2 not displayed. (shipped with the computer at the time of purchase) ready.

  3. Attach your video camera to the video-in connector * Figure n3 not displayed. (* Figure c79chvi not displayed.) of the computer as follows: * Figure c79chvdo not displayed.


    • Make sure the arrow mark (* Figure c79char1 not displayed.) faces the top when you attach the video in-out cable to the video-in port of the computer.

    • To connect the video camera and the video cable, see the video camera manual.

  4. Turn on the power of the video camera.

  5. Start Windows 95 and double-click on Preloaded Applications, Digital Video Producer, and then Digital Video Producer Capture.

    The current video view is shown in the live window.

    Asymetorix Digital Video Producer Capture Tool

  6. Select File on the menu bar and select Set Capture File.

    In this window, define the name of the file your captured image is saved to. (You can use the default name capture.avi.) Select OK to return to the main window.

  7. Select Capture on the menu bar and Setting; then add a check mark for Enable Capture Time Limit and type a capture time limit (for example, 10 seconds).
    Select OK.

    If you do not select a capture time limit, the computer continues capturing video images until the hard disk is full.

    This setting specifies that Digital Video Producer will capture motion video for 10 seconds into the file capture.avi (or whatever file name you specified).

  8. Select Capture on the menu bar and then Video.

    The moment you select Video, the computer begins capturing motion video for 10 seconds.

  9. Close Digital Video Producer and review the captured image using Windows Media Player.

    Select Start, Accessories, Multimedia, and then Media Player.

  10. Select Device on the menu bar and select Video for Windows.

  11. Select capture.avi (or your defined file's name) under the C:\DVP directory; then select Open.

  12. Select Play (Play button) to view your captured image.

You can save audio information concurrently using Digital Video Producer. For more information about Digital Video Producer and the video capture function, see "Using the Enhanced Video/MPEG Features".

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