IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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Using the MIDI/Joystick Port

* Figure c79ch7xd not displayed.

The Enhanced Video model provides a MIDI/joystick port on the rear of the computer for MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) equipment or a joystick for playing games. A MIDI/joystick cable is supplied with the computer to connect a joystick. When connecting MIDI equipment, you have to purchase a MIDI connector to connect musical instruments with MIDI ports.

To attach the MIDI/joystick cable to the computer:

  1. Turn off the computer and connect the MIDI/joystick cable to the computer as shown:
    * Figure c79ch84 not displayed.

  2. Connect the other side of the cable to a MINI-DIN cable or a connector that connects to your MIDI equipment or joystick.

  3. Enable the MIDI/joystick port using the ThinkPad Features program:

    1. Start the ThinkPad Features program.

    2. Select the MIDI/joystick (* Figure c79chtf5 not displayed.) icon.

    3. Click on Enable for MIDI or joystick; then click on OK.

    4. Restart the computer.

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