IBM ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, 760XD, or 760XL User's Guide

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Installing Software for DOS

* Figure c79chdos not displayed.

This section describes the installation procedures for DOS Version 7.0 and its device drivers for your ThinkPad.
Before reinstalling the operating system and device drivers, you need to create all installation diskettes using the Diskette Factory program (a diskette backup program that is preloaded on your computer).

The following shows the software already installed at the time of purchase. For your computer to work as it did at the time of purchase, install all of this software:

Mwave DSP support software for DOS is installed when you install Mwave DSP support software for Windows 3.11.

Installing IBM PC DOS Version 7.0

    (Ref #115.)

To install DOS, follow the instructions in the operating-system documentation. If you also are installing Microsoft Windows 3.11, go to "Installing Microsoft Windows Version 3.11".

Installing the CD-ROM Device Driver for DOS

(Ref #116.)    
* Figure c79chfbd not displayed.

To install the CD-ROM device driver:

When installing an operating system, you need to install the CD-ROM device driver.

  1. Start DOS.

  2. Insert the CD-ROM Driver Diskette into the diskette drive; then type A:UINSTALL and press Enter.

  3. Select Install IBM ThinkPad CD-ROM Driver for DOS/Windows( ** ) in the Installation Options window, then follow the instructions on the screen.

    The default subdirectory is C:\CDROM\.

  4. After the installation is complete, remove any diskette from the diskette drive and restart the computer.

Software Parameters in the CONFIG.SYS

(Ref #117.)
When the CD-ROM device driver is installed in your computer, the installation program (UINSTALL.EXE) automatically modifies the CONFIG.SYS file and AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The following are the parameters for the CD-ROM device driver for CONFIG.SYS:

DEVICE=[drive:][path]IBMTPCD.SYS /R [/C] [/S]

The CD-ROM device driver is IBMTPCD.SYS. Make sure this line is inserted after the EMM386 statement.

Enables the resident type device driver. Even when the CD-ROM drive is not installed at power-on, the device driver can be loaded in the memory. Remove this option if you use the CD-ROM drive in a docking station.

Sets the cache size in the XMS memory. When this parameter is set, the cache size in the XMS memory is 512 sectors. When it is not set, the default is 0.

Sets the power-saving mode to OFF. When using DOS with another operating system (for example, when using it with OS/2 in dual boot), set the power-saving mode to OFF using this parameter.
(Ref #118.)

  • For the software parameter in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, refer to the README file in the CD-ROM Driver Diskette.

  • If you are using DOS SMARTDRV caches and planning to use a photo CD or multisession discs, you have to add the /U parameter to the SMARTDRV line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This is because photo CDs or multisession discs are not compatible with the SMARTDRV caches.

  • To be able to play CD-i movies in Windows 3.11, do not cache the CD-ROM drive by the SMARTDRV Version 5.0 or 5.1, which is supplied with PC DOS Version 7.0.

Installing the ThinkPad Features Program for DOS

(Ref #119.)      

When installing an operating system, you need to install the ThinkPad Features program.

To install the ThinkPad Features program:

  1. Start DOS.

  2. Insert the Utility Diskette for DOS into the diskette drive; then type A:UINSTALL and press Enter.

    The following panel appears:
    * Figure c79ch260 not displayed.

  3. Press Enter.

  4. Select Install DOS ThinkPad Features in the Installation Options window; then follow the instructions on the screen.

Installing the PC Card Director for DOS

(Ref #120.)    

When installing DOS, you need to install the following software to use the PC Cards:

Do not install the Phoenix(**) PCMCIA support in IBM PC DOS 7.0.

PC Card Director:
> "Using the PC Card Director Program".

To install the PC Card Director:

  1. Start DOS.

  2. Insert the PC Card Director Diskette for DOS and Windows into the diskette drive; then type A: and press Enter.

  3. Type PCMINSTD; then press Enter.

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    Default choices are already highlighted in the Selector windows.

  5. After the installation is complete, remove any diskette from the diskette drive and restart the computer.

    Whenever you update the CONFIG.SYS file, see "Adding to the CONFIG.SYS File".

If the drive letter for the CD-ROM drive is not assigned, edit the CONFIG.SYS file and add the statement LASTDRIVE=Z to the end of the file.

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