
Best Ideas

  1. Green armbands for memory loss
  2. Video film of pupils in case lost or kidnapped
  3. American volunteers sanitising a Moscow children's hospital
  4. Saving Russian children from dying of Cystic Fibrosis
  5. Volunteers helping in hospital waiting rooms
  6. Paid and volunteer helper group in Southampton
  7. Voluntary Agencies Directory
  8. Sign language in schools
  9. MDMA in the treatment of torture victims
  10. Council-paid for sex for man with handicaps
  11. Firemen's skin to a tissue culture in case needed
  12. Radio tags for hire by mountain climbers
  13. A psychotherapy that focuses on morality and obligation
  14. Promissory notes for beggars instead of money

Social Inventions

  1. Supporters for those with disabilities
  2. $75,000 awards for computer welfare projects

Book of Visions

  1. Brokerage and Direct Payment for those with disabilities
  2. By and for those with disabilities
  3. Creativity for those with mental handicaps
  4. Musical soundbeams for the handicapped
  5. Blind receive Guardian newspaper via home computer
  6. Textured paving stones for the blind
  7. 'Barefoot' Social Skills course
  8. Lambeth Caring Houses Trust
  9. A newspaper sold by the homeless
  10. Giving meal coupons to beggars
  11. Flix Club for young girls
  12. Community Caring Fund
  13. Missing people's photos on taxis and shopping bags
  14. Charrier bags
  15. Bed and breakfast money for Oxfam
  16. Auction of Promises: how to raise 16,000 Pounds in one evening
  17. Mandatory A4 introductory appeals

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