Lambeth Caring Houses Trust

Lambeth Caring Houses Trust was established by Linda Vellacott in 1978 to provide a homely rather than hostel atmosphere, where the residents live together as much as possible like a family group. There are three homes each housing ten single men with a variety of problems, who have formerly led either unsettled or institutionalised lives, and who need some degree of support in order to live in the community. A team of six workers looks after the three households, and the small 'human scale' of the organisation is reckoned as a vital factor in its success.

Creative development for the residents is encouraged through individual programmes for their journey towards health and wholeness. Small group activities, one-to-one therapy, body work, the relationship to the natural world, to animals, to trees and the countryside, are all explored.

The work is innovatory and cost effective in comparison to NHS psychiatric hospitals where drug therapy is the norm.

Lambeth Caring Houses Trust, 184 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9TF (tel 071 274 5736).

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