Creativity for those with mental handicaps

'Parcels' is a co-operative with a dozen members, providing services to the Exeter Health Authority and City Council. It has designed a resource library of various visual, dramatic and sound media 'parcels' for stimulating those with mental or other handicaps, helping them to develop life skills needed to live in the community.

Fifteen foot puppets, giant tortoises, shadow theatre, a gigantic walk-in apple and a giant board game for wheelchairs covering an entire floor, are among the 'parcels' the organisation's minibus can deliver.

Parcels workers are artists, musicians, model makers, a carpenter and drama assistants. Their aim is to help those with mental handicaps to learn to grow, open up to their surroundings and have fun.

'Parcels', Mickelwright Centre, Whipton, Exeter, EX1 3RB (tel 0392 64497).

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