'Barefoot' Social Skills course

The People to People Social Skills course, started in 1985, has been the first voluntary, community-based social skills training group in this country. The course runs for eight weeks in Stevenage and each class lasts roughly one and a half hours. The course fee is L10, although this is waived in cases of hardship.

People to People offers training in social skills to people who suffer shyness or a lack of confidence. It covers relaxation, territoriality, body language and the use of voice and spoken language in the context of everyday social and work situations. It does not attempt to cover subjects for which expert guidance or therapy is necessary.

'It is not necessary for the organisers of training courses in social skills to have formal qualifications'

It is the brainchild of Dr Keith Stoll, a consultant clinical psychologist with considerable experience in the field of interpersonal skills, who believes that it is not necessary for the organisers of training courses in social skills to have formal qualifications.

During the course, the leaders ensure that nobody is feeling excluded or threatened by the group and it is emphasised that it is natural to feel nervous (one of the aims of the course is to point out the positive aspects of being shy and to give people permission to feel as they do).

After each class, the leaders discuss individual progress and will, if necessary, telephone members of the class to talk about any difficulties they may be having with the course.

Training sessions for leaders are organised locally from time to time, using the experience of volunteers who have already led courses. This training is freely available to people from other areas who would like to start their own groups. The detailed notes for course leaders are also available at cost, on condition that the notes are not used in connection with private or commercial classes.

Future plans include the strengthening of contacts with the medical profession and the creation of new groups elsewhere, perhaps working under their central guidance.

Alec Roscoe, People to People, 25 Temple Court, Bengeo, Hertford.

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