Musical soundbeams for the handicapped

'A way to introduce very young children in school to the delights of making music through movement - a child just running towards the machine, for instance, produces complete scales of notes as the child approaches'

Edward Williams, Richard Monkhouse and Robin Wood at Electronic Music Studios in Truro, Cornwall, have produced a simple machine enabling handicapped people with minimal movements to control big majestic sounds. Up to four linked ultrasonic echo-sounders, connected to a music synthesiser, detect the presence and range of any part of the body entering the beams, so that minute movements up to six metres away can be used to create dramatic musical effects. Their machine also has potential for dancers and other performing artists, and could be a way to introduce very young children in school to the delights of making music through movement - a child just running towards the machine, for instance, produces complete scales of notes as the child approaches.

Over 60 systems are now in use in special schools in the UK.

Robin Wood, EMS, Trendeal Vean Barn, Ladock, Truro, Cornwall TR2 4NW (tel 0726 883265). Prices start at L775 per unit. The potential of this scheme for children and the handicapped was highly commended in the Social Inventions Awards.

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