Bed and breakfast money for Oxfam

Rosemary Schlee

My husband and I started this Bed and Breakfast scheme in about 1984 with one hostess; a third of the charge is given to Oxfam. We try to raise over L10,000 clear for Oxfam each year, and have managed to enrol 40 households in Woodbridge, Ipswich, Felixstowe and other local towns and villages (also Cambridge, Norfolk and Hampshire). We badly need people to come forward who live in attractive small or medium-sized towns, and who would be ready to run the scheme (with all our know-how and assistance) in their own areas. It has to be an attractive town, otherwise you would not get enough people wanting to stay there, and we do not think big cities suitable.

That spare room could be working for you and for Oxfam. Local regulations do not apply on this scale. Guests appear about 6pm, go out to eat and are gone by 9am. So far no one has bounced cheques or asked to sit downstairs or to watch TV. A married woman earns over L2,800 before tax is due. The notional costs of guests, with a proportion of your house overheads and rates, will make tax unlikely. When a third of the proceeds is going to Oxfam, tax is all the more unlikely. If guests look uncongenial at the door, keep them talking, then remember that last night's guests had asked to return. A couple for one night in summer could bring in L28, less a third to Oxfam, leaves L18-70, less L2-50 summer costs, means L16-20 clear profit to you. And Oxfam has cleared L50,000 so far.

Rosemary Schlee, Deben Lodge, Melton Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1NH (tel 0394 382740).

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