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Sites which contain the word included

African Writers: Voices of Change
The Age of Imperialism
Alberto Mesta Jr.'s Mexican Corridos Page
American Originals
Anatomy and Physiology
Anti-Imperialism in the United States, 1898-1935
Artificial Intelligence
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library Project: Global, Regional, and Countries Virtual Libraries
Ask Dr. Math
Athena: Authors & Texts
Basic Prose Style and Mechanics
Bibliomania, The Network Library
Bourgogne Magazine
Britannica Guide to Black History
British Women's Novels: A Reading List, 1777-1818
CBC Radio-Canada
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies
The Charters of Freedom
Chernobyl: A Nuclear Disaster
Chinua Achebe: An Overview
CyberSchool Magazine
The Daily News
Dave's Geometric Pix Gallery
Dead Poets Society
The Diary Project: Kids' Diary Entries from Around the World
Dictionnaire des Citations
Electoral College
Electronic Zoo
Endangered Species Program
English 102: Multicultural English Web Page
Erasmus Text Project
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Exploring Planets in the Classroom
Exploring the West from Monticello
F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary
Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopia
Fourth World Documentation Project
Frank Potter's Science Gems
The Gettysburg Address
Guide to Theater Resources on the INTERNET
Hanover College History Department: Texts and Documents
Hard Boiled
HTI American Verse Project
Human Anatomy On-line
The Inkwell: In Appreciation of Writers and Writing
The Inkwell
Inside China Today
Institute for Molecular Virology
Intelligent Micro Machine Initiative
Interactive Textbook of PFP 96
Interpreting Thomas Jefferson
Italian Literature
Japanese Art and Culture
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
Judy Blume's Home Base
KidSat Exploration
Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
Life, the Universe, and the Electron
Literary Resources Ethnicities and Nationalities
The Literature and Poetry Page
Lost Poets of the Great War
LSU Libraries Author Webliography
Making Maps Easy to Read
Male Coming-of-Age Stories
Measurements Converter
Meiosis Tutorial
Military and Diplomatic Biography
Mr. Warner's Cool Science
National Civil Rights Museum
National Coalition for the Homeless
The National Gallery of Canada La Galerie Nationale du Canada
Next Generation Space Telescope, The
Only If Nice Weather Could Last Year Round
The Oregon Trail
Past Notable Women of Computing & Mathematics
Pearl Harbor Remembered
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
Pronounce It!
R. Buckminster Fuller on PBS
Resources for American Literature
Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie
Ride of Your Life, The
Romance Novels and Women's Fiction
Romancing the Indian
Saltman's Reef Page ReefRing
Science and the Environment
Scrolls from the Dead Sea
Selected Civil War Photographs
Sharing Aeronautics Projects Electronically SHAPE
Le site de poésie de Marie
Somi Cinéma
The Spanish-Speaking Countries
Students and Credit Cards
A Survey of the Plant Kingdoms
Théodore de Banville Oeuvres poétiques complètes
Timeline of Microcomputers
Toad's Dome
UCSB Anthropology Cool Web Stuff
United States Capitol
Using Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction to Produce Critical Readers
Views of the Famine
Virtual Renaissance: A Journey Through Time
Visite guidée du Val de Loire autour des châteaux de la Loire
Visualizing Black Hole Spacetime
Waksman Challenge, The
A Walk Through Time
The "White Man's Burden" and Its Critics
World War I: Trenches on the Web
World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago World's Fair)
Young Canadian Voices: An Independent Literary Journal for Young Writers