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The "White Man's Burden" and Its Critics

When published in McClure's Magazine in February 1899, Rudyard Kipling's poem "The White Man's Burden" reflected the then current debate on the benefits and costs of imperialism. The site offers the original of the poem in McClure's as well as a racial cartoon interpreting its meaning in the Philippines, which appeared in the Detroit Journal in February 1899. The majority of the site, however, is devoted to discussion of the topic in the press of the day; links included range from Senator Benjamin Tillman's speech in the U.S. Senate on 7 February 1899 to a poem by C. E. D. Phelps, published on 12 December 1903, entitled "The Burden of Profit."

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Jim Zwick

English, Journalism, Literature, U.S. History, World History

English and Literature, Social Studies
